John Kevin Bell

John Kevin Bell

Owner at JKB Studios / Tuff Monkey Films
Director, Editor, Graphic Designer, Illustrator, Producer and Screenwriter

Phoenix, Arizona

Member Since:
June 2019
Last online:
6 days ago
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About John

The short of it
I have a BS in Illustration / Graphic design from Oklahoma State University. I took screen writing courses at Pepperdine University and Falmouth. I have studied animation and use Maya and Blender. I have as to date 17 spec feature scripts with 3 more in the pipeline. I have shot several short films, commercials and 1 feature as to date. Currently Writing and Directing a reality television series. I mostly write Metaphysical Sci-fi. Something where there is hidden meaning. think The Matrix.

About me and my road to this point.
I am originally from Stillwater Oklahoma. After college, moved to Prescott Arizona for 12 years, Did 12 years in Miami Beach Florida and 1 year in San Diego OB. I have worked most positions in a film shoot and have worn many hats. Previously, I was a writer, I have 3 eBooks on Amazon Kindle. I went the Indy filmmaker route first cutting my teeth and just grabbed a cheap camera and began making videos. Ended up shooting a full feature by myself with a zero budget that was daunting and kicked my ass. Did it all! A green screen shoot and all of the editing and coloring which is bad mind you and all quite laughable! I broke every screenwriting rule I could but wow did I sure learn a lot! Then a few short films just to make something. Became quite proficient in After Effects and Premiere Pro. Then I wrote a sci-fi novel, then wrote a screenplay for it. Found out I love writing screenplays and directing the shoots to flesh it all out. I took 3d animation courses as well and have a good feel for Blender and Maya. Love pulling off a good key and VFX sequence! credit goes to Andrew Kramer and his tuts!

Currently, I am editing a bunch infomercials and weddings. I have written 17 full sci-fi specs and a couple shorts for competitions. I am cooking up a few different scripts. 3 full feature specs with 1 being a true hard hitting story and 3 TV shifted script for a TV series or Mini series. I've been approached to write and direct a Reality TV series in Houston later this year and a Paranormal series in Louisiana. So, I'm in the trenches doing it, always shooting for a Hollywood A slot. Watch for me!

Unique traits: Also a tattoo artist for 14 years Im covered in full color tattoos!





  • Infused

    Infused Budget: $0 - $100K | Horror 4 vampires run a dispensary where a failed robbery sets up a priest to take them down.

  • Ophilium

    Ophilium Budget: $30M+ | Sci-fi Adventure Earths demi gods use two humans and the Nephilim (Giants) to form a plan to disrupt the formation of a weapon of interplanetary destruction by the Reptilian Empire to save Earth and establish galactic peace.

  • The Victorian Hauntings

    The Victorian Hauntings Budget: $5M - $10M | Horror A group of ghost hunters illegally enter a large Victorian home and run into a hell house of paranormal activity and serial killers in a hope to escape.

  • The Sedona Project

    The Sedona Project Budget: $10M - $30M | Sci-fi Adventure Reptilians control the world’s leaders as benevolent aliens assist a group from Sedona to disrupt a hostile takeover of Earth.

  • Tales of the Blue Ridge Vampires

    Tales of the Blue Ridge Vampires Budget: $1M - $5M | Horror A security guard disrupts a plan after a 100 year old insane asylum run by a patriarch vampire is converted over to a 5 star resort feeding fest.

  • Shift

    Shift Budget: $30M+ | Sci-fi Adventure A team of psychics shifts ghosts to assist the Earth of ridding negative aliens feeding on the low energy creating a positive flow to the afterlife.

  • Bridgelow

    Bridgelow Budget: $10M - $30M | Sports Comedy An NBA star enrolls his son into Texas Preparatory School where a washout coach works with the math teacher and the NBA star to turn the schools Brainiac's into a winning team.

  • Jump point

    Jump point Budget: $30M+ | Fantasy A girl finds love while being hunted through earth's timelines only to discover how to divert planetary annihilation.

  • Little Round Top

    Little Round Top Budget: $10M - $30M | Sci-fi Historical An Army Ranger is teleported back in time to the battle of Gettysburg to assist the south to win the civil war thus altering modern society.

  • Terra 3000

    Terra 3000 Budget: $10M - $30M | Sci-fi An unlikely hero assists Mars fleet in defending Earth's resources from a mining operation from negative aliens and falls in love in the year 3000.

  • Centrafuse

    Centrafuse Budget: $10M - $30M | Sci-fi Adventure A scientist life is cut short after he creates the fountain of youth serum creating a future entanglement of reincarnations to ensure the continuation of his life's work to get his karmic revenge.


  • Little Round Top Concept

    Little Round Top Concept (2020)
    Film (short) by JKB Studios / John Kevin Bell (1) (Adventure and Sci-Fi) Writer Director Editor A concept film for my script Little Round Top. An army ranger goes back in time to assist the south to win in Gettysburg only to return for an altered future

  • MyOMMA Basics (2019)

    MyOMMA Basics (2019) (2019)
    Commercial by JKB Studios / John Kevin Bell (1) Director Editor an app to get your medical card in OK

  • MyOMMA Introduction (2019)

    MyOMMA Introduction (2019) (2019)
    Commercial by JKB Studios / John Kevin Bell (1) Director Editor an app for a medical card in OK

  • John Terrance Paul, a true hero

    John Terrance Paul, a true hero (2018)
    Film (short) by JKB Studios / John Kevin Bell (1) (Documentary) Writer Director Editor a purple heart veteran talks about his time back in hamburger hill

  • Hunting Aliens and Predators in Prescott

    Hunting Aliens and Predators in Prescott (2018)
    Film by JKB Studios / John Kevin Bell (1) (Sci-Fi) Writer Director Editor a man is hunting predator and runs into aliens

  • Plight of a Indy filmmaker

    Plight of a Indy filmmaker (2017)
    Film (short) by JKB Studios / John Kevin Bell (1) (Documentary) Writer Director Editor a plan to drive across the US and back to AZ

  • The Victorian Hauntings

    The Victorian Hauntings (2017)
    Film by JKB Studios / John Kevin Bell (1) (Horror) Writer Director Editor 5 ghost hunters enter a Victorian mansion and run into killers and ghosts

  • Brie Z Way Cleaning

    Brie Z Way Cleaning (2017)
    Commercial by JKB Studios / John Kevin Bell (1) (Short) Writer Director Editor a commercial for a cleaning co

  • Aliens Everywhere

    Aliens Everywhere (2017)
    Film by JKB Studios / John Kevin Bell (1) (Short) Writer Director Editor AZ rangers are looking for mexicans and finds aliens

  • The Portal in Prescott

    The Portal in Prescott (2017)
    Film by JKB Studios / John Kevin Bell (1) (Sci-Fi and Short) Writer Director Editor a girl finds a spell book and finds herself back in England talks with a monk.

  • Port Hole to Soul Tattoo and Piercing

    Port Hole to Soul Tattoo and Piercing (2017)
    Commercial by JKB Studios / John Kevin Bell (1) (Short) Writer Director Editor this is a commercial for a tattoo and body piercing shop in Prescott AZ

  • Gurley St. Pub

    Gurley St. Pub (2017)
    Commercial by JKB Studios / John Kevin Bell (1) (Short) Writer Director Editor a commercial for a sports bar in Prescott AZ

  • Mikes Mini Market

    Mikes Mini Market (2017)
    Commercial by JKB Studios / John Kevin Bell (1) (Short) Writer Director Editor a commercial for a gas station in Prescott AZ


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