Introduce Yourself : Introductions Are In Order by Libby Fischer Hellmann

Libby Fischer Hellmann

Introductions Are In Order

Hi, all. I am an author with 15 crime thrillers (some are historical) published. I've written a screenplay and Bible for one and treatments for some of the others. But essentially I'd love my IPs to be "discovered" by the right person or people. This series (I have 2) features a Chicago PI, formerly a cop. Glad to be here on this soon to be sweltering day.

John Kevin Bell

Welcome and yes a very sweltering day at least here in the mid US! Making it happen, I love that! Best of luck to you and your endeavors!

Nicki Kris

Hi Libby! Welcome and where can I check out your books? I love crime thrillers!

Sai Marie (Sarah) Johnson

Oh, how awesome! I am also an author - and your books look incredible. I will definitely be checking them out. Awesome to meet you, Libby. :)

Libby Fischer Hellmann

Great to meet all of you too. Nicki... the books are widely available: Amazon, Apple, B&N,,, et al. Sarah.. what do you write? And Hi, John... we just had a storm It's much cooler now! :)

LaTrenda George

Nice to e-meet Libby!

Ramon Richardson

Nice work, here is a promo of my Crime fighting movie The Rats

Sai Marie (Sarah) Johnson

Hello Libby, I am a multi-genre author and poet, so I write in several genres as is reflected from my Amazon author page. It does seem, however, that all of my stories have an underlying romantic element to them, but I have written dystopian, Scifi, fantasy, horror, and thriller and found that I seem to be talented in all of them. The only genre I find somewhat difficult is a comedy, but making people laugh is not as easy as making them smile, cry, and remember the moral of my stories.

Pidge Jobst

Hi Libby, the entertainment industry values pre-sold franchises and you possibly have one. It also cherishes built characters, just as advertising companies value campaigns and publishers build named authors. Your publisher and you did very well in building a platform out of your name (ie. bold and big white on the cover sleeve). It's what needs to happen in the publishing world, because publishing relies on the promotion of its authors, as it should. A slight tweak in your presentation/solicitation to the entertainment industry, however, may serve you, as it tends to covet Character Franchises rather than named authors or writers. I took a second to show you what I mean and utilized the character "Selene' from the "Underworld" franchise to illustrate. Since your author name is currently most prominent, I toned it down and created adjacent it a character block to emphasize "THE CHARACTER" to emphasize this as a prominent part of your book series. It's a small tweak and you do not have to change the current cover sleeves on your books. If the characters in your books are different, I suggest simply mentioning to the studio or network how they could easily operate under a same name. We wish you great success with this! [disclaimer: this is just a suggestion, not a standard, nor representative of this host site. We only manipulated your original photo to illustrate a possible adjustment; it will not be utilized outside this thread].

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