Something I've been thinking about for some time has been about getting a chance to either intern with a production (film or television, although preferably television), or at least have a chance to shadow for several days simply to observe each of the different roles at work and get that wonderful "behind-the-scenes" look at the whole process and ask questions.
I've already been a part of production for two plays, however I know there's still quite a few differences between a play and a film or television production, hence why I want to get a look. It's one thing to read about it all, it's quite another to observe or participate.
Has anyone ever done something like that before, or is it just a crazy concept that likely won't ever work out? I'm assuming more than likely regardless that it would require being more or less local to LA or NY though, correct?
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Internships are usually done through an school as part of completing coursework. You may run into some legal issues with trying to get a behind the scenes look at a shoot that isn't employing you, but it's worth a shot..