Introduce Yourself : First Day on Stage 32! by Kate Melia

Kate Melia

First Day on Stage 32!

Hello, I'm Kate Melia, a Production Designer and Screenwriter living in Seattle. I'm looking forward to interacting with other filmmakers here, learning from you, and sharing ideas. Feel free to reach out! ~Cheers.

Earl Tom Devere

Hey Kate, what inspires your Art and Production Design? What influences you the most? I always love meeting a creative that is new to me.

Rakesh Malik


Kate Melia

Thanks for asking. ~ For me, creating a world based on someone else's vision is a magical process. It requires analysis, interpretation, creativity, insight, communication, imagination, and skill. And when it's done, the set tells the story clearly enough that there is no question about the parameters of this world. It's all there in the details. Whether the set is a classroom or castle, it's the shift in details that defines these worlds. Selection of textures, colors, materials, and lighting, add so much to the story. It's a ton of work...but it's still magic!

Earl Tom Devere

So true. Wow. World building is magic and art. What would you say is a key thing(s) for a Producer to look for in a Production Designer and Art Director? What kinds of guidance should a Producer provide or not provide to them?

Tera Thompson-Garner

It was so great to meet you yesterday, Kate! I can't wait to hear more about your period piece.

Rakesh Malik

A good production designer really helps to bring the film's world to life. We need more good production designers in independent film!

Kate Melia

Hi, Tera! That Film Summit was amazing, wasn't it?. I'm glad we can stay connected here. We should have coffee and talk shop soon!

Kate Melia

Earl Tom Devere ~ The key is communication. I think that finding a good rapport is paramount. If the Producer/Director can't communicate their ideas to the Production Designer, or if she or he isn't listening, then nothing will work. However, if the communication is good, the ideas will go back and forth naturally until decisions can be made and direction can be taken. Otherwise too much time is wasted, and the project is left mired in confusion.~ So my advice to Producers would be, "Spill all your ideas, give your Production Designer time to ask questions and interpret, and then allow her/him to bring your ideas to life."

Kate Melia

Rakesh Malik "Hear! Hear!" (This is why I always get along well with cinematographers!)

Rakesh Malik

And why I always make an effort to get familiar with the art department and makeup folks... and why they often come to me first when they have questions about art + makeup -- especially FX makeup.

It definitely goes both ways.

Makes for happier directors, editors, actors, and viewers as well, for some reason. :)

John Ellis

Awesome philosophies expressed here: communication, collaboration... Welcome Kate Melia and Tera Thompson-Garner! And Seattle isn't that far from Reno - maybe working together someday!

Sam Borowski

Welcome Aboard, Kate! GOD BLESS and STAY FRESH!!!

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