Producing : Word of Warning: A Public Service Announcement by Earl Tom Devere

Earl Tom Devere

Word of Warning: A Public Service Announcement

This is for new Producers or old Producers unaware (likely you know), but there are investment scammers here. There are also legitimate offers. But there are scammers too. Be wary. The latest is offering millions without reading your script (s), knowing your attachments, etc. They want to talk numbers and an agreement, but they want NO LAWYERS involved. Money laundering is involved or scamming most likely, but it is not good. There are far more legitimate people here than that and I will call out no names as I have no proof of intent, but be careful, my fellow producers. Remember what happened to the Producers of THE WOLF OF WALL STREET and just be careful where your money comes from. Don't be scared as there are many good people here and opportunity can knock. Just be wary. If it is too good to be true, it likely is. That said, there are angel investors too. But angel investors always are willing to talk with lawyers to finalize a contract. That is because they are legitimate.

Doug Nelson

Thanx for the PSA but most of us are aware of 'em.

Kate Melia

It bears repeating. Thank you!

Al Clemente Saks- Aka- Al Clemente

Thanks Earl and Kate. Doug, what if someone needed to know?

Eadgar Swainsbury

I am new here. But thanks for the warning forewarned is forearmed.

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