Introduce Yourself : About me by Ben Gilani

Ben Gilani

About me

Hello everyone, my name is Ben and I'm from Iran. I'm a writer and filmmaker. But I have not been allowed to work for many years because THEY don't like what I'm trying to say in the content I produce. I've been banned from any activity involving a second party since 2013-2014. During the time I was not (Still am not) allowed to work I started writing again. I wrote an epic 790-page novel called "In Parallel to the Euphrates". My novel is being edited at the moment. But I decided to prepare a TV series Bible, based on it, hoping that I would reach out to the right people and get it into the industry. Please read it and forward it to people you think might be interested in it. Please write to me if you have any questions or queries.

Here's a LinkedIn link to my TV Show Bible:




Amanda Toney

Hey Ben, this is Amanda from the Stage 32 team. I just wanted to let you know I moved your post from Producing to Introduce Yourself, as it fits much better there. Let me know if you have any questions, and all the best to you!

Ben Gilani

Thanks Amanda for letting me know.

Rutger Oosterhoff

Hey Ben your Still in Iran or in Dubai?

Ben Gilani

Hi Rutger. I' in Iran now.

Ben Gilani


Rutger Oosterhoff

I tried to see your work through Linked In but this site and what to do with my account confuces me. Can you upload some of your work directly on Stage32 if possible?

Ben Gilani

you can visit my website:

Ben Gilani

my TV show bible has a hashtag #new_tv_series_bible

Ben Gilani

Ben Gilani

I'll try uploading my work in around 8 hours as it would be early morning here and the internet connection will be faster

Ben Gilani

Thank you, Derek.

Ebru Kavak Erbay

Hi Ban, I shared it via linkedin. Best luck my dear neighbor.

Ben Gilani

Hi Ebru. What a kind gesture. I sincerely appreciate it.

Tony Peera

Hi Ben. I am an Assyrian. My cousins and fellow Assyrians in Iraq are going thru persecution and are being slaughtered, so I understand your fear. Is it difficult for you to leave Iran? I totally understand when you say that Iranians do not hate Americans. The youth of Iran want to go back to how it was almost 50 years ago. Where women had equal rights as men , could drive cars, could study at universities. A time when all Iranians, men and women could express themselves freely without the fear of being imprisoned or punished. I have been told of the great way of life in Iran from those days by relatives. It was the same in Iraq, Lebanon, etc.The only hope is that the youth and open minded people of Iran can retake their freedoms from the religious leaders. God luck and God Bless you.

Ben Gilani

Hi Tony. Thank for the message and your kind wishes. I have many good Assyrian friends who live in Dubai. I can leave Iran but I have not been allowed to work therefore I cannot afford traveling at the moment. To be honest, I’m getting a bit (more than) worried having this post up on the net. At the same time I’ve written something and this is the only way I can get it out. I just hope my post remain only between the stage 32 members. Thanks again my friend & god bless you too.

Remco Den Hollander

wow, that is a heavy story. I wish you a lot of strength and perseverance! I recall Iran used to be very open en western oriented. I an offer to help you if you need music or a soundtrack score for your series, please let me know if you'd want that and i will send you some work i did.. Stay strong!

Ben Gilani

Hi Remco. I'm sorry for the delay in responding to your message. Aside from the time difference we have, I need to use a VPN service in order to log into stage 32. Like many other websites, Stage 32 is blocked in my country. Also, the internet speed here is too slow most of the time. Thanks for the message and your offer to help. It is very kind of you. I will count on you. I will certainly contact you whenever I need a soundtrack. Be safe.

Remco Den Hollander

Hi Ben, No need to say you're sorry. Great to see you finding ways to communicate out of the regime boundaries. You stay safe! Contact me whenever you have time and can continue with your project! I'll be here. greetings Remco

S.B. Goncarova

Hi Ben, I just noticed there is a producer Matt Eskandari from Eskandari Entertainment who is looking for Looking for Features. Drama and any true stories set in Middle East particularly Iran. His credits are: "12 Feet Deep," "Trauma Center," "The Long Night." He's looking for things like: "Prisoners," "Mystic River" "Gone Girl," "The Grey," "Basic Instinct," "Zodiac," "Hell or High Water," "Nightcrawler" "Gran Torino" or true Iranian stories like "Argo" "House of Sand and Fog" or "Rose Water." I don't know if that helps at all.

Your "Write My Story" trailer is very provocative and beautiful.

Ben Gilani

Hi Sarah, thank you for the info. I sincerely appreciate it. I sent him a. connection request. Stay safe.

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