Meet Onwukwe Abraham Ogonna, a multifaceted creative force who wears two hats as a visionary scriptwriter and librarian. Fueled by an insatiable passion for imagination and creativity, Abraham's journey into scriptwriting was sparked by the boundless possibilities of the mind. His fantasy script, "EMILY", Cartoon; Last Osborn, The Golden Eagle and Carrot Survivor", are vibrant testaments to his innovative spirit, crafting immersive stories that transport audiences to uncharted realms."
Emily(EL-GIBBOR) Budget: $10M - $30M | Fantasy "When a young girl uncovers the location of a powerful, lost ancient artifact, a formidable hybrid beast is awakened. She must now embark on a perilous journey to recover the artifact before the world succumbs to eternal darkness."
The Last Osborn Budget: $1M - $5M | Animation "When a catastrophic flood threatens to destroy their underground colony, a brave kangaroo rat joins forces with a wise old professor to stop the flood to save the only home they've ever known."
The Rising of the GOLDEN EAGLE Budget: $1M - $5M | Animation "After the Bird Seer foretells the young Golden Eagle's ascension to the throne, a ruthless Hawk, fueled by envy, launches a devastating attack. The Eagle must confront its darkest fear and defeat the Hawk to claim the sacred Golden Body and prevent the Hawk's tyrannical reign over the bird kingdom."
Metal health awareness Budget: $0 - $100K | Drama "When a struggling teacher, coach, and student are presented with a mandatory mental health awareness program, they must navigate the complexities of prioritizing their well-being or risk jeopardizing their dreams.
Carrot Survivor Budget: $1M - $5M | Animation "After a grandfather plants cabbage, cucumber, and carrot seeds to demonstrate the plant life cycle, the three veggies embark on a perilous underground journey, facing treacherous pests and diseases that threaten to prevent them from fulfilling their destiny: maturing into edible harvest.."