GENRE: Animation
"After a grandfather plants cabbage, cucumber, and carrot seeds to demonstrate the plant life cycle, the three veggies embark on a perilous underground journey, facing treacherous pests and diseases that threaten to prevent them from fulfilling their destiny: maturing into edible harvest.."
Well, this sounds like a LOT of fun! I do, however, think that the storytelling in the logline itself could be a touch clearer. For example: what is a "transplant vegetable"? It sounds hysterical and clever, but, it's just important that we have a clear understanding of who our protagonist/protagonistS is.
And "survive the journey" as in these veggies are going somewhere? If so, where? Or is this just the journey of life?
And I think it'd be helpful to have a clearer idea as to what the inciting incident is, like what's THE event that gets this story going? Is it the moment that they're all infected with this terrible veggie disease, or something else?
Either way, this is a REALLY really fun start, and I'm sending you a DM that might be able to help you out :)
Angela Cristantello They have a journey. I can send the script to you to write. The script is unique n very fun. An adult can still watch it n learn a lot from it. It's educative, informative n entertaining both for children n adult.
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Thank you.
Well, this sounds like a LOT of fun! I do, however, think that the storytelling in the logline itself could be a touch clearer. For example: what is a "transplant vegetable"? It sounds hysterical and clever, but, it's just important that we have a clear understanding of who our protagonist/protagonistS is.
And "survive the journey" as in these veggies are going somewhere? If so, where? Or is this just the journey of life?
And I think it'd be helpful to have a clearer idea as to what the inciting incident is, like what's THE event that gets this story going? Is it the moment that they're all infected with this terrible veggie disease, or something else?
Either way, this is a REALLY really fun start, and I'm sending you a DM that might be able to help you out :)
Angela Cristantello They have a journey. I can send the script to you to write. The script is unique n very fun. An adult can still watch it n learn a lot from it. It's educative, informative n entertaining both for children n adult.
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