Producing : Post Corona Movie Theaters What do you think? by Vasco Saraiva

Vasco Saraiva

Post Corona Movie Theaters What do you think?

Found this article quite interesting. What are your opinions of the post corona movie theaters?

Erik A. Jacobson

The longer the virus lasts, the more bankruptcies you'll see among independent theaters, resulting in fewer independent films released. That probably means more direct-to-consumer releases of films through streaming and VOD. Netflix-type services will likely experience steady subscriber growth. Drive-in theaters might stage a comeback if social-distancing paranoia continues.

Dan MaxXx

I cancelled my monthly AMC movie theater pass. Before the pandemic, I was watching 12-16 new movies a month. Even if a miracle vaccine is discovered, it's gonna be a long long while for theaters to recover, same for pro sports, stage, concerts. Less income for year(s)

Andrea Thompson

It's unnerving to think of what will happen to the theaters after this. It's already been a struggle with surviving only on blockbuster type movies. Really strange times we're in.

Vasco Saraiva

Hey everyone, thanks for your opinions. I think that article is fantastic, one of the interesting things it mentions is that: Apparently in China there was a huge rush to the theatres as soon, as they could go out again...

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