I've been hearing RB talk about how he reads the trades everyday. I'd love to start reading trades, and have no idea where to find trades for the filmmaking business. Anyone have any good trades they can recommend for me?
I've been hearing RB talk about how he reads the trades everyday. I'd love to start reading trades, and have no idea where to find trades for the filmmaking business. Anyone have any good trades they can recommend for me?
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you can access Deadline, IndieWire, Hollywood Reporter, etc online for free
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I tend to read Hollywood Reporter.I really need to find the others.
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Screen international is a great resource
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Check Variety, The Wrap, and Entertainment Weekly for starters.
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I thought the same thing to myself! Thanks for the help.
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By the way, are there any podcasts that strictly talk about the trades?
Erick Freitas - I dunno! That's a great question. I'm sure Google might be a good place to start looking. Or maybe listed in any of the trades?
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Variety is also online.
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The Hollywood Reporter is a good one as well.
If you want to read about the ad world ... ADNEWS is a good resource.
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Hi there. May I suggest getting an account on IMDB pro? It has the trades and other news sources right there - https://pro.imdb.com/
Hollywood Reporter can send daily news by email, it's great. Also Variety does something similar, I follow Variety on Twitter