Producing : Safe Return to Live Action Filming Abroad by Michael Moffett

Michael Moffett

Safe Return to Live Action Filming Abroad

Greetings from Spain lockdown!

I firmly believe producers are problem solvers. So don't let the pandemic derail the filming of your financed projects.

I head a curated network of top-tier production service companies spearheading solutions to help you return to live action filming overseas.

Check out the alternatives in more than a dozen major film hubs where cameras are rolling now.

We are all in this together. So let’s discuss your next project!

Stay positive and stay healthy. We aim to see you (virtually) on set soon!


John Ellis

PSN looks to be a great resource for us in the future. I'll be checking in with them once our financing is in place. Thanks!

Karen "Kay" Ross

This fantastic! Thank you, Michael Moffett ! Have you considered writing a blog for Stage32? I'm sure a lot of people would love to know how production is going in Europe post-COVID. Email Taylor if you're interested!

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