Introduce Yourself : Keep Going. by Eric C. Jackson

Eric C. Jackson

Keep Going.

Where are you? Where are you going? How are you going to get there? I ask myself these questions. Sometimes, I have an answer while other times ..I'm not so sure. On the days that I'm uncertain, I hold on to what I know ..or what I thought I knew the day before?

Keep going.

When you believe in yourself and when you doubt yourself. Keep going. When you have Victories followed by a slew of disappointments. Keep going. When you see your name in lights and when your name is covered in mud ..keep going.

If the strength of your Faith is based on current circumstances, your Faith will not last. Sunny days to rainy days. Feeling on top of the World to down in the dumps. Rolling with a crowd of people or abandoned at the bottom of an ocean. Keep going.

A lot of people want Proof. I have to see before I believe. But what happens when the future is uncertain and you can't see a thing? Beyond all Logic, beyond all Reason, Keep Going, anyway.


I'm not entirely sure. At this point, it just seems to be a part of the Journey. ..and in the End, you'll have an amazing Story to tell that someone needs to hear, so they can begin their Journey, as well.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Eric C. Jackson! My name is Kay, I'm the Community Manager here at Stage32. Nice to meet you! I ADORE this! From your title down to the last paragraph - we all need to hear this kind of encouragement! Hell, even I needed to hear it - sometimes it's hard to keep going when you're head gets lost in the hurricane of resistance and doubt.

Would you be interested in participating in the “Monday Motivation" challenge I posted in the Producing Lounge? It's just a fun way to get to know people through their favorite quotes:

I'd also love for you to jump in on a “Cross-Pollination" challenge I posted in the Acting Lounge as fun way to get to know people through their favorite resources - the one I posted was a book for photographers that actually is very helpful for models and actors!

Enjoy exploring the lounges, and don't forget to comment and respond to others’ posts, too! It's the best way to really connect! Thank you again for the gift of this post - I needed it!

Eric C. Jackson

Thank you Karen "Kay" Ross .It's nice to meet you, as well. I feel like I can't take much credit for trying to help others since most of this was trying to pick myself up in that moment. I will look at the Links you shared later today. The clock is approaching 3am. I'm going to be a zombie at Work.

My interest is also in Fine Art Photography. The Book may be something I can learn from. A few of my Projects made it into the April and May Issue of Lens Magazine. I'm happy about that. Creating Visuals or having Image References help me come up with Story ideas.

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