Florin Şumălan

Florin Şumălan

Filmmaker, Actor and Director

Deva, Romania

Member Since:
February 2019
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About Florin

I am a human living in this life, in this world, in these times. I think I live in some kind of darkness and I say this because I am trapped in the daily routine, but sometimes, like when I walk alone and start thinking about my life and asking myself questions (what am I doing in this world...), I become more aware and I see somehow that more things could exist out there, more things than we ever imagined. But usually I don't think at these things, usually I am trapped in other things, in a routine, in a darkness, I say.
I think that one of the most beautiful things in life is this consciousness, this awareness, when you realize that you exist and you start asking questions about all the things; when you don't believe things just because someone said or you read somewhere; when you are honestly searching for the truth - the truth that will take you out from the darkness you live in, the truth that will give you answers about who you are, what you are doing in this world, what is the meaning of this life, what to do...it's hard to find the truth when there are so many versions and each of them say they are the true one.
I wish to be "part of great things" and if there is life after we die and if these words are true: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him”, then I wish to be part of that too.

I like movies. I can't say I have done many things as a filmmaker, just some short little films and other things like that. I can say I know things about filmmaking. I listened to audio commentary tracks on movies, I watched "making of" documentaries, I read books, I listened or I watched some masterclasses, I learned also from social media and I am still learning things.
I wish to bring in movies things that I saw in films that I like, but I wish to bring also other beautiful things that weren't shown.
I search for inspiration in many places like pictures, music, writing...maybe you need good inspiration from the great ones if you wish to create something great.

I have been working in a factory for some years and I don't know how to escape from there. I could have taken other job, maybe I could have had a more comfortable job, but then I would keep doing things that don't interest me. The only thing that makes sense to me, I think, is making movies, but not making movies just for the sake of making movies and acting just for the sake of acting. I wish to be part of stories that I am interested in, movies that I like to see or movies that I would like to see, movies that give answers to some of our questions, movies that put questions to some things, movies that show truths about who we are and what we are doing in this world. (something like that)



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