Just wanted to say hello to everybody, stay safe and much love. The industry will open back up soon, back to creating magic.
Just wanted to say hello to everybody, stay safe and much love. The industry will open back up soon, back to creating magic.
Hey, Brandon Garic Notch! My name is Kay, I'm the Community Manager here at Stage32. Nice to meet you! I see you have weapons expertise - what is you training in?
Thank you for the well-wishes, sir! And to you as well! Have you been enjoying the mild LA weather as well? There have been lots of jobs for low-level positions opening up, and for talent I've seen lots of remote VO work. But I get the feeling people who look as cool as you are saved for on-set roles!
Would you do me a favor? I'd love for you to start a post in the Acting Lounge about your experience working on a big set like Birds of Prey! https://www.stage32.com/lounge/acting
Enjoy exploring the lounges, and don't forget to comment and respond to others’ posts, too! It's the best way to really connect!
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Thank you Karen. Originally from Minnesota I grew up around firearms and continue to train in defense pistol competitions (IDPA) as well as three gun. What started out as a hobby became something very useful in acting especially for movies like Birds of Prey where are you are operating with a real firearms on a controlled set.
Here's a little clip from Street of Dreams Los Angeles, in this movie we used prop guns.
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Hey Brandon, Great to connect!
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Great to have you here Brandon Garic Notch! I appreciate that encouragement and motivation! I know we're all anxious to get back to production.
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Hip Hip HOORAH!!!!
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Thank you for the opportunity to connect, it's very nice to e-meet you, Brandon! Some of my Vancouver friends and film-family are saying work is restarting for them, which is such good news. I hope your area will return to set soon too! :)
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Hey, Brandon Garic Notch! Thanks for the vids! Yeah, you can definitely tell from how you work with your weapons that you know what you're doing. Great work! Oh, man - real firearms on a closed set is tense! Actually, would you be willing to start a post in the Acting Lounge (https://www.stage32.com/lounge/acting) about your experience on Birds of Prey working with real firearms on set?
I'm more of a blunt weapon person myself. My arts include Aikido, Judo, Jujitsu, Karate and Kendo (and pretty much in that order), so I learned jo/bo staff and the bokken/shinai as part of that training. Close combat is really my jam!