I've designed a TV Series pitch deck for my crime fiction book series. I'm thinking of added it here for any feed back. Am I allowed?
I've designed a TV Series pitch deck for my crime fiction book series. I'm thinking of added it here for any feed back. Am I allowed?
I think that is fine, but there may be a different lounge area to post it. But... why would you want to put your pitch deck into the public?
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For feedback! It’s with my agent who will push to TV companies! One never knows who is looking for new, unique crime fiction series to turn into a TV series. I’ve written a few true stories too and one is already a book to movie project. Good luck with all your projects.
Hello David P Perlmutter, sure go ahead and send a link to have a look at your pitch deck. There shouldn't be anything wrong with getting a feed back for your work. This is a part of learning process.
Sure, go ahead!
Here are two links, one about the crime fiction story and characters http://thewrongplaceatthewrongtime.blogspot.com/2020/08/meet-characters-... and this has the first three chapters of book two of the series plus comments from readers who want to see a TV series plus even suggesting actors http://thewrongplaceatthewrongtime.blogspot.com/2020/08/read-first-three...
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Hey Julia, thank you for your feedback. I will add images of who I feel and who the readers would like to see play the characters, if this becomes an option for a TV series. I have taken on board all your thoughts and will go though the deck with my editor. Thank you. Also, I am pleased to say that apart from writing crime fiction, I have also written true stories, four of them, and one called Wrong Place Wrong Time is already underway to become a movie with filming early spring 2021, so that is something I am looking forward to, of course. Thank you again for your honest feedback and good luck with all your projects!
Hello David Perlmutter, the ones you submitted on here are not pitch deck. I am responding to your PM.
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Thanks for sharing, David P Perlmutter! You can also post in the Your Stage Lounge: https://www.stage32.com/lounge/promotion
Also, definitely check out this excellent webinar on building pitch decks for TV series by Anna Henry: https://www.stage32.com/webinars/How-to-Write-a-Professional-TV-Pitch-Do...
Or this one by Ewan Dunbar, for streamers: https://www.stage32.com/webinars/How-to-Create-a-TV-Series-Pitch-Deck-fo...
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Thanks Karen, I will take a look! I will be amending the deck, and today had an encouraging telephone conversation with two BBC/ITV screenwriters/producers who seen keen with the project. In fact, they’re the writers who did the first few drafts for the script for my book to movie - Wrong Place Wrong Time which is speeding ahead for casting etc!
David, I would be up for taking a look, and might ask same in return.
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David P Perlmutter Regarding Jack Sprat's last comment on using an actor's image - that applies to PUBLIC dissemination of your pitch materials which should NEVER be done in any event. The materials you produce for pitching are private business documents. Using an actor's image and bio in your professional pitch deck is in fact the norm, where you are showing a "wish list" or a "prototype" for the talent you are seeking. There's nothing wrong with it, so long as you don't list them as attached of contracted.
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The actors in the ‘pitch deck’ are the wish list of my readers. Some of the actors are aware and have been very complimentary. I mean, who wouldn’t want to be thought about, especially in these times. Also, a number of the actors have expressed an interest to be involved. Plus, two of the actors, one as the MC and one in New York are already attached to my book to movie true story Wrong Place Wrong Time. Thank you all for your feedback in any case. As I speak an actress has seen a comment from a reader today on my blog (over 300k views) who has been suggested to play Lisa and she is over the moon!
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Hi Jack, I have intents from the actors who are interested. The others have been in contact and have stated how nice of readers to suggest them.
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David! Gee, you've been busy! Continued success! I have a few projects -narratives- you might be interested in collaborating on in the future. Looking forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Alan