Producing : We are starting to look at potentially building a budget for an indie film. We are new to this and I was wondering if there are good resources for understanding crew rates and such. We would be filming in the Georgia/Carolina area. by Cas Swope

Cas Swope

We are starting to look at potentially building a budget for an indie film. We are new to this and I was wondering if there are good resources for understanding crew rates and such. We would be filming in the Georgia/Carolina area.

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Lindbergh E Hollingsworth

Grab Ralph Singleton's books: there's one on creating a shooting schedule (which you do before you budget), and the other book is on budgeting Amazon link: --- Contact your local film commissioner and hunt down, find the local crew data base - find a UPM or Line Producer who can help you.

Cornell Hampton

Hi Cas. you will need a line producer, who will do a budget for you. it will give you a ruff on how much you will need to make the movie. Georgia has crew who are union but you can do a mix in the state. some union and non union. plus that tax credit. But buy beware. some crew live in other states and travel back to ga for jobs. Try to keep everyone local.

John Ellis

A line producer is a good idea, if you have the money for that. As an AD, I can break down the script into department lists and a prelim schedule. Reasonable rates.

Cornell Hampton

As an indie producer. You find ways to make it happen. It all depends on how little your trying to spend on the service.

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

Usually an experienced Line Producer is required to get anywhere near actual costs (I am one, so don't use them at the stage you are in). Otherwise, the resources above are a starting point.

Karen "Kay" Ross
Matt Ralston

Hey Cas, I can probably help get you a solid ball park estimate, shoot me a message when you have time.

John Ellis

Hey, Matt Ralston I may want to hire the guy behind you!

Karen "Kay" Ross

Jack Sprat Fantastic response, sir! I was just advising a mentee the other day about figuring out your schedule before attempting the budget because the majority of your budget will be wages for crew.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Great recommendation, Jack Sprat! Actually, if you find those videos, could you start a post with those links? That would be a great conversation-starter!

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