Introduce Yourself : I exist... so I got that going for me. by Lucas Millhouse

Lucas Millhouse

I exist... so I got that going for me.

Hey Im introducing myself to you again. Im Lucas Millhouse. My little company Millquas Productions has made 4 features, one of which we just wrapped in November. Covid free production. It was my first time directing and acting instead of directing and shooting everything and it was not the easiest thing Ive ever done.

Pleasure to get to know everyone in the forum. Oh, and Im in SLC.

Also if anyone has a recommendation on a non noisy 8tb drive I'll intently listen...

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Lucas Millhouse! My name is Kay, I'm the Community Manager here at Stage 32. Nice to meet you! If you'd like to learn more about myself and the Stage32 Team, we have an intro blog:

Hey, congrats on the COVID-free set and the 4 features! That's awesome! I just wrapped on an indie feature as 2nd AD myself. As for the 8TB - are you using a G-Raid?

If you haven't already, I'd LOVE for you to post in the Filmmaking Lounge about your most recent filmmaking experience!

Keep in mind that these lounges are like the VIP Filmmaker's Lounges at Film Festivals, so this is where you can meet the people doing the work, get advice on anything you're working on, and/or give back to those who may need advice. We're a very supportive and encouraging community! I think you'd also enjoy my intro blog post on how to engage with the Stage32 Community:

Enjoy exploring the lounges, and don't forget to comment and respond to others’ posts, too! It's the best way to really connect! And, of course, feel free to reach out at any time.

Monica Mansy

Hi, Lucas Millhouse! That's so exciting - congrats on the wrap of your latest film! I would love to hear about your experience directing and acting. I would imagine being that immersed on all sides was intense and thrilling!

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Lucas. Nice to connect. Congrats on the four films. The characters in the photo look interesting. Is that from your company's latest movie?

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