Introduce Yourself : Cinematographer, editor, photographer, sculptress and artist looking for a place to call home by Leya Kokoravec

Leya Kokoravec

Cinematographer, editor, photographer, sculptress and artist looking for a place to call home

Hi guys!

Hope all of you are doing good.

I'm not new to Stage 32 so I know some of you and I love getting to know people in the industry.

I guess it's been a rough year for all of us in the film or creative industry but who am I to complain because our team did quiet a few great projects during this year. From a couple of commercial, music videos and a nice tv series pilot episode that we had shot.

I was lucky enough to have an exhibition of my sculptures in a museum gallery in Torino, Italy which was a great achievement in of itself not to mention that there were almost no exhibitions in this year.

But unfortunately due to a greedy landlord was forced to move out of our apartment recently, so I also lost my studio. Thankfully we're lucky enough to have great families and are not to be homeless.

So Vital Butinar and I have been looking for a new place or an opportunity to find our way to the US in order to work in the film business there.

Anyway I'd love to connect with you guys that are also working on some great projects and I'd love to hear from you.

Regards and best wishes to all.


Jaye Adams

Hi Leya,

Lovely to meet you and yes that is quite an up and down year but I’m glad to hear that you’ve got the support of family and are safe. I actually just recently responded to a post by Vitul and connected and it is amazing what you guys have achieved this year despite what’s been going on. Wishing you all the best and some more exciting adventures in 2021!

Tasha Lewis


Leya Kokoravec

Tasha Lewis thank you!

Jaye Adams thank you very much. Yes we are trying our best because we both really love film making and it's good because both of us found a different area within film making.

And thank you. Yes we've got great families so we're lucky.

I wish you the best in 2012 also.

Ricki Linksman

Happy to meet you. You are gifted with many talents. Sorry to hear about the loss of your studio, but good you have family and friends. I hope that staying tuned to Stage 32 leads to a connection for your work in film! Quite an accomplishment to shoot a TV pilot! I pray your new year is brighter and you find a home!

Leya Kokoravec

Thank you very much Ricki Linksman. I am really happy that we have such good friends and family. I think that this si why we've been able to do so many things this year. You can't do it alone.

Tasha Lewis

Your welcome Leya Marincic.

James L. Lytle III

Hello Leya, James here, happy to see you...(lol) I'm new (about three weeks now) to writing even though I've been writing for five years on my own. I'm writing a nine part saga called "Warriors of MA" it's a Sci-Fic / Fan . If you could check out my logline and my synopsis and rate them and let me know what you think. Have a great holiday season :-) Be safe :-)

Leya Kokoravec

Hey James L. Lytle III nice to meet you and congratulations. I've never been much of a writer myself because I envision my stories visually. But my partner is the storyteller and I'm always amazed when someone writes something and I'd be glad to take a look.

Thank you Claude Gagne .

Great holidays to everyone as well. :-)

Richard "RB" Botto

Always fantastic to see you, Leya!

Leya Kokoravec

Thank you Richard "RB" Botto. It's nice to see you too and I wish you and the guys from Stage 32 happy holidays and I want to thank you for everything.

Richard "RB" Botto

Same to you and yours, Leya! Thank you!

Ying Jie Wang

Dear Leya, Happy new year.

Ying Jie Wang

Dear RB, Happy new year.

Leya Kokoravec

Thank you Aray Brown and nice to meet you too.

Laurie Woodward

Hi Leya,

Art inspires. I love that you are a sculptress. I believe in the power of creation. It is beautiful. Keep inspiring!

Leya Kokoravec

Thank you Laurie Woodward very much. Well people usually say that it's better to excel at one thing than do many things. But I think that when it comes to creativity it's always to be able to be creative in many different fields, since creativity usually begets creativity and when you're stuck in one filed you can still be creative in another which will make you creative in the other again.

I actually wrote a blog about it in April I think if you haven't seen it:

James L. Lytle III

Hey Leya, how would someone like myself get to contact your R&D department?

Leya Kokoravec

Hi James L. Lytle III. Well you can send an email to and my partner will write you back. Is this ok?

Adeel Arshad


Eryn Rea

Actually, Claude's Canada idea is something to consider. The film industry in Vancouver is HUGE and it's a great city, very international.

Leya Kokoravec

Thank you Claude Gagne . Yeah actually my partner and I have been considering just this and we both actually have a lot of qualifications for many different things.

As for the landlord you actually really don't need to feel sorry for him because he's an ass. 10 years ago when our country was in depression he swindled his way to a bunch of buildings and has been renting apartments out illegally without paying any taxes. We actually wouldn't even have a problem if he had done things by the book because the government would have payed 80% of our rent. We could have managed 20% no problem.

Eryn Rea thank you. We've actually been thinking about that. It's just hard packing up and moving without actually knowing where exactly you're going and what you'll be doing at least at the beginning. But we are considering these options yes.

Tasha Lewis

Here is inexpensive way to move and combine both home and studio. USA

Sarah Gabrielle Baron

Hi Leya. Congratulations on your showing in Torino! I'd love to see some of your sculptues. Would you consider putting some photos on your stage32 bio page? I loved your bio about how the lighting aspect of sculpture matches the director's job. PS Toronto and Montreal are also film hubs. Not as warm at Vancouver, but more affordable. I think you'd love Montreal.

Leya Kokoravec

Thank you Tasha Lewis. I'll take a look at it. But in either case I thing that we have to find a kind of home base somewhere here anyway and then we're ready to go anywhere.

Thank you Sarah Gabrielle Baron. Torino was a good exhibition, I'm just sorry that I decided to save money and didn't go to the opening which is really sad. As for my sculptures, you're right I'll definitely put some photos on there.

But until then here's my website gallery:

You know actually my partner and I would go anywhere where we could do something more and prosper because it seems that we've hit a kind of peak what we can do on our own around here.

I've actually never been on the Americas continent but I believe you. My partner keeps telling me about all these places and how much he liked being in some of them and among these places are also Vancouver and Toronto.

The only problem with all these places is not having the contacts yet to be able to access the film industry. I guess Stage 32 can help in this department in a way.

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