Introduce Yourself : Screenwriter looking for representation by Katherine Hill

Katherine Hill

Screenwriter looking for representation

Hello fellow creatives!

Kat here. British film screenwriter and single mother of two, living in Vancouver, BC. Trained as an actor and director then went all in for writing and haven’t looked back. I passionately tell stories centered around women, touching on social issues of abuse through narrative film. With a European background and American training I fuse together gritty, realistic and dark subjects with grounded and comedic elements. My recent feature Taken Away, won Best Script at Paris Art and Movie Awards. Currently devising a TV show (my first) and looking to get my 3 features specs out there.

Monica Mansy

Hi, Katherine Hill! I love your subject matter and tone. This is right up my alley! Congratulations on all your success!

Katherine Hill

Thanks Monica. Great to meet someone like minded

Dawn Prato

Hello, fellow Vancouverite! Congrats on the awards :) If you're looking to pitch, Stage32 is a great place - I've done a few of the written pitches and the feedback has been great, and there's a ton of selection!

I also recommend the Writers' Room, they have pitch practice every Thursday (amongst soooo many other things!) that's really awesome. If you email Jason Mirch (, the Director of Script Services, he can point you in the right direction for which people would be best to pitch to (and offer you a month free trial of the Writers' Room).

There's SO much here, it's a great platform. I hope you have a great rest of the weekend!

Katherine Hill

Thanks Dawn!

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