My first non-fiction book deals with how families and older patients can talk about their preferences for treatments and place of death before they become aware death is inevitable. It's not morbid but candid and somewhat entertaining. I'm searching for an opportunity to turn it into a tv series. Would you or your family watch it?
I would but that's because death intrigues me up to a certain point. And it depends on the treatment of your series. Is this going to be very raw and emotional? Light and quirky? Heavy drama? Easily digestible to the viewers? Are there rituals, religions, cultural practices and/or beliefs involved? Many don't even want to discuss the topic of death, but IT IS inevitable. So it would really depend on how your vision for the series would be for your target audience.
Vikings know the answer to this...
Seriously though, it wouldn't be my cup of tea in the current climate- if it could be done in such a way to lift the morbidness of the subject then I could see it doing well on Channel 4 (UK) - it seems very much within their wheelhouse.