Filmmaking / Directing : Go big now or later? by Bridget Klassen-Brule

Bridget Klassen-Brule

Go big now or later?

Hi everyone

I am Bridget and I am 25 years old and starting film school this fall. I have been struggling with something that I am curious if people have advice about. I am a "new filmmaker" and screenwriter but inside me I have the impulse to go "higher further faster". My brain is in a constant battle of waiting till after film school (it's a one year program so not waiting very long) to even use certain script services with my current pilot script. Suppose I could call this imposter syndrome. Have any of you experienced this form of imposter syndrome and or have any insight or suggestions for this? I

Jorge J Prieto

I personally, every time I write a screenplay, as I'm writing it, I see my characters up in the screen, as they take me from scene to scene, each one building up to the climax I have already envisioned before hitting the computer. I'm just as surprised as what my characters reveal as my audience will be eventually. Don't know IF this is even what you are going through, but as writers we need to write, everyday if possible, the rest are tools we need to have, like what you are doing, to stay on track, and perfect the technique. BUt, what's a technique if we don't write? We need to care deeply about our characters in order for our audience to care as well.

Kiril Maksimoski

You're just young...Pacino said in one film "People don't get older...they just slow down"

Alun D Pughe

Hi Bridget - sounds like you're going through what every film student goes through :) My advice, for what it's worth, is use your time at film school to make every mistake you can. Cram your time with experiments, failures, networking opportunities etc etc as from the moment you graduate it becomes very challenging very quickly. I've been extremely lucky throughout my career (and i'm super aware that I've had it a lot easier than most thanks to that fortune) but I didn't make a penny for years. YEARS! Good luck and if I can give you one actually useful piece of advice is that our industry is built on human relationships. Always be kind and work hard, regardless of the project. ADP

Richard Buzzell

If you're eager to pitch your pilot, I say go for it now. Then you'll have some idea of how the industry thinks about it.

Jodi Rath

Bridget Klassen-Brule I think you should trust your instincts and who you are as a person. Even IF you make a bad decision and fail, you'd learn SO much. Being a creative is so different than working at a business--the film industry--still business but different than say going to a 9-5 job M-F in insurance (I know--I've done that!). Everyone will take a different path--so, trust yourself and do you! You got this!

James Welday

Hi Bridget, I was once in your shoes, 25 and eager to get through film school (L.A. Film School in my case). Use the school year, and the connections you make, and use them to their fullest extent. Wishing you the best of luck, and you need any more advice, let me know!

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

Bridget Klassen-Brule Approaching 25 years in the industry and I mentor young filmmakers all the time. Film school teaches you very little about the industry and if you want to do more, do it ASAP. The moment you start your career for real - meaning the second you get PAID for anything in the industry, you are no longer an imposter or a wannabe. At that moment it's YOUR industry and you can and should move forward as fast and far as you are able, even while in school. About script services... don't bother purchasing anything if you can get feedback from professionals you know.

Bridget Klassen-Brule

Thanks so much for all your insight and advice. I am very grateful to have this community that understands my current dilemma.

Karen "Kay" Ross

What Alun said, spot on - school is the time/place to make your mistakes. Try everything! But there's no reason for you to stop working on what you want to work on as well. You don't need a permission slip. In fact, you'll be faced with a situation where someone with more authority than you is going to try and shut you down (emotionally or literally) - don't let them. Unless it's for legal or safety reasons, and then yeah, heed that shit LOL! Film School molds your creativity, but you lit that fire, and you're responsible for keeping it stoked. Now, go crush it! ;-)

Sam Chambliss

Something I was told from a professional while I was in school: “degrees or certificates don’t mean anything in our industry. We can teach you everything you need to know. The one thing we care about is how well do you get along with others. AKA can we get along with you during a 6 hour car ride?” His advice was to leave school and just go into what you want to do, and while I think there are very good reasons to follow that advice, it depends on the situation and person. I ended up staying with school and forged some very strong relationships, which ended up being a wonderful thing (we are all now in running our own business in film) so either way can work. It all depends on your goals and drive to get what you want. You need to know what you want. My 2 cents.

Andrew Sobkovich

Bridget just do it. Not quite sure what you will learn in a year, but if the instructors are worthwhile, then their time should be devoted to inflicting information and hopefully knowledge upon their students. As it is only a one year course, honestly, that is a small amount of time when you look back at it. Yes it is a large amount of time when you are in the midst of it but that is a forest/trees perspective. If you come out having learned something, made contacts which you will keep for life, and with a piece of paper which might keep some options open for you in the future, then it seems sorta worthwhile. If you have already written scripts, or will be writing more as part of your course work, then you can utilize those “script services” anytime. No reason not to. Besides, school will help you polish your script for the “script service” and the “script service can help you polish your script for school. Do both, seems like a plan to me. Whether the film school or the “script services” are actually worth much is a different question.

Your "Imposter Syndrome" sounds like you are being critical of your work. That is very healthy. Everyone I know in the business is their own worse critic. You have to be. It is motivation to be better.

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