Introduce Yourself : Author ,Writer by Kay Arwen

Kay Arwen

Author ,Writer

Hi, I’m new around here too. Writing Fantasy Sci Fi for YA . Pilots mainly. Great to meet you all!

Ugo Cavallo

Welcome Kay

Richard "RB" Botto

Great to have you in the mix around here, Kay!

Bo Teng Chea

Hi everyone, like Kay I am new on Stage 32. Looking forward to hear from projects. I read a lot and fantasy and YA are some of the main genres I read and like watching on screen !

Nicole F. Burney

Hi Kay! Welcome.

Kay Arwen


Stefano Pavone

Welcome to the club. :)

Abby Verste

Welcome Kay Arwen !

Abby Verste

Also welcome Bo Teng Chea!

Sarah Gabrielle Baron

Welcome to Stage32, Kay! There is SO MUCH to do here! If you have completed scripts, feature or pilot or even shorts, go ahead and start pitching! See Script Services. The weekend pitch options, two page written pitch or 5 minute live pitch, are amazing ways to get started. You receive a card afterwards with tips on how to improve. But if you get a script request you want to make sure your material is Perfect. There are a lot of options for that here too, from buying notes from industry execs, to just finding free swaps with other writers (see the lounge for Screenwriters, or better yet join the Writer's Room - top right corner red button). Keep Writing!

Erik Carlson

Welcome Kay. Nice to meet you! Cheers to a fellow sci-fi and fantasy fan!

Tasha Lewis


Leonor LeRu

Welcome Kay! It sounds like an exciting journey. I would suggest you connect with Mike Hall, my mentor on Music. I produce music for clients, I use his inspiring music scores. Wish you all the best!

Samantha Lee

Nice to meet you, also new writer working on a fantasy drama, good luck

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