There's not enough information to answer that question. Were they visible and did they speak before the lights went out or is the room entirely dark for that scene?
I was once told by the director I've worked with that on stage everything is allowed except for that which ain', based on this watcha think? Should it be VO, OS or just plain talk in the dark? :)
Nick is right. The characters are still "in the shot" so you don't need to do anything. O.S. would make it look like the characters are not where the audience are "looking" and V.O. might make it look like they are narrating over the action.
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There's not enough information to answer that question. Were they visible and did they speak before the lights went out or is the room entirely dark for that scene?
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I was once told by the director I've worked with that on stage everything is allowed except for that which ain', based on this watcha think? Should it be VO, OS or just plain talk in the dark? :)
2 people like this
Nick is right. The characters are still "in the shot" so you don't need to do anything. O.S. would make it look like the characters are not where the audience are "looking" and V.O. might make it look like they are narrating over the action.
Thanks everyone, I appreciate your answers.
1 person likes this none of the above and light a candle, lol. Had to chime in. :) When room goes dark, dialogue as usual.