Hi there! I am an author, screenwriter, disability consultant, and composer based in San Bernardino, California. I found out about Stage 32 through an unsolicited but welcome email. This looks like a great place to connect with people at all stages of the film and television industries. I am currently doing drastic edits on my pet rom-com and working on a new feature-length sports drama, as well as a series of mostly comedic shorts. I also make one heck of a tasty French macaron. In forty flavors!
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Welcome, Todd. It's great to have you with us.
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Welcome Todd!
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It's been an inspiring and rewarding 9+ years around these parts, Todd. Glad you found us and I look forward to your contributions. Best wishes with the projects!
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Great to connect with you. Hope to work together in the near future.
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My son sent me this information. I am really looking forward to finding out more.