I am very new to this and working on my first short film with a friend I am not sure where to start. I am a student at this point so any advice would be perfect.
I am very new to this and working on my first short film with a friend I am not sure where to start. I am a student at this point so any advice would be perfect.
First write a script or get one some other way and then you need a camera, sound, actors lighting, and editing.
If you really ARE an Actor, an AD or Crafty - you're already 'on set'. Keep your eyes and ears open.
You really have a great advantage of being a student as you'll be able to find lots of other students in the same position. Start talking to people, let it be known what you're doing and find others interested.
Start with a cool idea that can be done on 0 budget... using only a cell phone per say...
Find the story idea, write out the script for the amount of minutes. Then grab your cast, then start shooting. Search in Google or YouTube for anything that will guide you. Good luck on your film. You can do this.
Make something you can financially & physically (labor) finish.
My advice would be to stay open to collaboration with an aspiring writer who may bring in more developed craft skills. There's also a huge selection of short scripts out there available to make such as these that have been reviewed and endorsed.
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I have a script and am story boarding and gathering a cast.
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Hi, Victoria Rowse you've come to the right place! I would most definitely check out the "Education" tab here - tons of classes and webinars. I've taken several of them and they're FANTASTIC! Another great way to learn is in our Writers' Room. This is the fast-track to learning how to pitch, give and receive script coverage and learn all about the elements of script-writing and the business. To try it out for a free month, please email Jason Mirch (j.mirch@stage32.com), the Director of Script Services.
With the script always keep in mind locations or effects you might need that might make it impossible to film on a low budget.
Having a great production crew is just as important as a great script and cast. Make sure you have one.
Welcome Victoria. Stage 32 offers so much for new screenplay writers as well as those with track records. I am a subscribed member of the Writers Room, which offers so much more in the way of meeting members through Zoom events and writers accountability rooms. If you would like to join us, Jason Mirch, Director of Script Services, will give you a free 30-day trial offer if you request it through e-mail at J.Mirch@stage32.com. Hope to meet you online.
Victoria - you say it's a short. How short? All that I write now is shorts, I produce and often Direct them as a teaching project for up-n-coming Writers/Actors/Directors. Is it a film or just a skit? If it's a film, I'm willing to look at the first five pages and provide a little feedback/guidance. Yes or no. Let me know in this forum.