Introduce Yourself : Hey Creatives! by Kat Magill

Kat Magill

Hey Creatives!

I'm brand new to Stage 32 and excited to meet fellow creatives. I am a writer and professional poet for over a decade breaking into film. I love pushing boundaries and creating new genres for shorts, features and music videos that focuses on emotionality. I look forward to building with risk takers :)

James Welday

Pleased to meet you, Kat, and welcome!

Matthew Parvin

Nice to meet you Kat. Welcome!

Lis Basile

Welcome, Kat!

Jess Waters

Welcome, Kat!

Kat Magill

Thank you all for the warm welcome!

Monica Mansy

Welcome, Kat Magill you're gonna love it here! Stage 32 is a great place to jump into all things film, so you've come to the right place. The "Education" tab has a ton of great webinars and classes. They're led by some really amazing people in the industry. To really dive in to everything, including learning and connecting with creatives, I would check out the Writers' Room. It's a place we meet over zoom to learn about the craft and business, work on pitches, script coverage, hold writers' cafes and so much more! If you'd like to try it out for a free month, please email Jason Mirch (, the Director of Script Services. Also, don't forget to build out your bio - you can even add loglines there where they can be rated and reviewed.

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