My Dear Stage32 Family, a couple of weeks ago I posted some sneak peek images, we have now completed the musical short with funny gags, it's on an indie budget, We are trying to become a great solution for indie Animation producers with the help of new technology, Less cost, and incredible quality.
please enjoy. Crits n Comments welcome.
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I am in the midst of pitching a series idea (see my profile), but I fully intend to create an illustrated film of the pilot next year, if no producer picks it up. In general, using your own resources to bring your work to the ultimate critics -- the viewers -- is better than never finding a producer with financing
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Fun stuff Kumar!
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Hi Kumar, congrats to you and the team!
Curious how is your team aiding from the help of new technology? Are you and the team working in Real Time production now vs the traditional method? Love to hear more about the process!
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Toby Cochran many thanks for your appreciation, Using blender saves lots of time and cost , and now we are also picking up unreal engine also, Untill n unless there is a client req to use a particular software we use Blender for 3D Animation. Animation libraries helps a great deal ,
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Ah very good! Yeah, I believe Unreal and Unity will become standard from pre-viz to final render mixed in with standard practice. We are currently going to start playing with more RT packages to start keeping up with the changing times for our client projects when we can. And Blender is getting super powerful too!
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Fantastic job Kumar! very entertaining.
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Terrific work, Kumar Sambhav. The musical was entertaining and funny. I like the character design and backgrounds.
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Many THanks, Maurice Vaughan Really appreciate it
You're welcome, Kumar Sambhav. Are you working on other projects?
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Maurice Vaughan we have one project at this time, I am trying to get an indie movie or a tv show..
Kumar Sambhav, is the project Animation also?