Screenwriting : Finish the thought: Writing a screenplay is like… by Bradley Aaron

Bradley Aaron

Finish the thought: Writing a screenplay is like…

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Karen "Kay" Ross

...bleeding on the page as a sacrifice on the alter of applause.

Craig D Griffiths

Describe a movie to a blind person.

Lucie Mayer-Wegelin

... leaving an open path to a portal leading to the inner life of your imagination.

E Langley

...crawling on hands and knees across a field of broken glass then dragged a few miles behind a pickup on a washboard road to a rocky beach where a tidal wave washes you to a field of broken glass.

Bop Shipman

like being a god playing with others lives for good and bad, but mostly for your entertainment

Jim Boston

...baking a cake.

Debbie Croysdale

A direct line to the soul, we are giving birth to new entities in alternate worlds albeit some scripts may turn out shit.

Angela Cristantello

Taking a leap to buy a house.

Searching the market. Finding nothing. Getting outbid.

Then finding THE one! Only to jump right into a gut renovation.

B A Mason

...gnawing your leg off to escape a bear trap.

Todd Bronson

...sloshing through Kubrick's foggy and snow covered maze with an axe yielding madman breathing down my neck.

Carlv Coleman

A string of thoughts or a bolt of lightning

Brett Beckett

going to a party where there's that ONE PERSON you wish to avoid.

Thomas Pollart

A daily reminder that there is an and instead of an end .

Lucie Mayer-Wegelin

Driving a car at high speed, not caring if the brakes are gonna work when you drive down-hill.

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