Screenwriting : How To Flashback Without Flashing Back by Imo Wimana Chadband

Imo Wimana Chadband

How To Flashback Without Flashing Back

Heya guys.

So, I'm working on a new script and I'm at a scene where I'd like to show a flashback but just by sound. For example. Let's say a woman got in an accident at a traffic light as a girl and it still comes back to her at times. So she's grown now and at a traffic light and a car horn or something triggers the trauma of that past. What I'd like to do is show that she can hear the scenes from her accident, the car hitting her, the ambulance sounds etc. but it's not showing the image, she's just kind of gazing into space while the sounds play over the present scene. Hope that's not too confusing.

What would be the best way to write that type of flashback?

Imo Wimana Chadband

Dan Guardino So no need to make any reference that it's a flashback scenario, just write that description of the sounds as normal and it would be implied to the reader what's happening?

CJ Walley

"Completely detached, Jane stares into the middle distance as the traumatic sounds of the accident play out in her head; The screech of tires. The impact. Shattering glass. Sirens wailing in the distance."

Kiril Maksimoski

Check "Stay" not sure it matches your concept, but interesting solutions....

Imo Wimana Chadband

Ah! Dan Guardino Awesome, thanks man

Imo Wimana Chadband

CJ Walley Wow. I could picture what's going on with that description. That's some good stuff man, appreciate the guidance

Imo Wimana Chadband

Kiril Maksimoski looked it up. Is that the 2005 Thriller?

Imo Wimana Chadband

Dan MaxXx Awesome! I've been looking for some more scripts to read so I'll jump into those. Appreciate it man

Debbie Croysdale

Another expert on flashback is Linda Aronson "21st Century Screenplay"

Ewan Dunbar

Pretty much as you've written it above. Youd say she is staring into space as she hears the impact of the car that hit her years ago playing in her mind.

Imo Wimana Chadband

Debbie Croysdale oh, I'll have to check her out. Thanks

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