Hi everyone,
I'm a graphic designer and screenwriter.
I invite you to check out my website https://www.deezinersstudios.com/I can help with any graphics you may need for pitch decks, series bibles, posters, 1-pagers, etc.
Nice to meet you all - let's keep in touch,
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Hey Maya, nice to meet you. I would love to see more from your own scripts - as a script consultant, I would be happy to help in any way if I can!
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Nice to see you again, Maya Zivkovich. How are you?
Hello Maya, How are you? The graphic designer is a very important role in the pre-production stage, as well as in the production and post-production process. It seems like a really nice and fun job that you do at DeeZiners. I would be very honored to have the opportunity to collaborate with you on any future project. At the moment I have some stagnant scripts waiting to emerge from the darkness (hehehe) to which a well-designed folder would be super cool, for my part I invite you to know a little about what my work is on the dogmad21 website dogmad21.zinemotion.com.mx
greetings and we look forward to happy holidays.
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Hello Maya, this is such an amazing and unique service, thank you for sharing!
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Awesome website!!!
Thank you, Julia Beney :)
Thanks Bryce Thomas!
Hey Jose Luis Madrigal, I will definitely check it out and be in touch.
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Maurice Vaughan, doing good :) How about yourself?
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I'm doing fine, Maya Zivkovich. Just finished a short script and rewrote a short script today.