My Pilot script "Branch 47" was chosen out of so many other awesome scripts and I'm so thankful to Mike Gauyo and Stage 32 for the opportunity! I'll let you all know if I make it to round 3. Either way, I'm excited to continue my journey as a Screenwriter! Have a great Friday!
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Let’s go!! Congratulations on the success.
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Congratulations, Amir. Onward and upward.
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Let's Go! Really excited for you my friend. All the way from DC! I am so grateful to be a small part of your creative process. I'm always here to support - drop me an email any time at - And again, please take me up on my offer to join the Writers' Room - you can watch my webcast with Mike Guayo here:
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Amazing news! Congratulations!
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Jason Mirch signed up! Thank you so much. (^_^)
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That's incredible, Amir! Savor your big moment and go on to create undeniable art!
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That's fantastic, congratulations!
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COngrats, Felicitaciones
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Congrats, Amir
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Amazing, Amir! Cheers:)