Getting ready to market a couple of screenplays after a five-year hiatus, and I need to build/update my producer contact list. Can anyone recommend a way to obtain a producer's email address if you only have a name and movie they worked on? I'm already using IMDBPro, but a high percentage of producers there don't have personal contact info.
No they don't - can you imagine why?
Yep. I've seen a lot of spec screenplays. Most are crap, a total waste of time and energy.
I'd say easiest way is cold querying and emails are everywhere around the net...but that's like going into fishing at an accumulated lake...maybe there is some living thing below, but mostly it's just fresh water...
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Sorry to say that unless they know you, no producer is going to open an email or read a screenplay sent to them directly. It needs to be come through a legit channel, aka a manager or agent, or even through the recommendation of an exec here at Stage32. It's not only about getting material that has risen to the top (enough so that the writer has secured representation or interest here), it's also about legalities. Accepting unsolicited material opens the pandora's box of being sued and it's just not worth it.