Screenwriting : Marketing 101 for screenwriters. by Craig D Griffiths

Craig D Griffiths

Marketing 101 for screenwriters.

Marketing is the combination of 4 things (the four Ps as they say). Product, Price, Promotion and Position. How we mix these ingredients will produce a different outcome each time.

Let’s look at Quentin Tarantino as an example.

Product - Violent, dialogue heavy films with bad people and lots of blood.

Price - They haven’t been cheap to make since Reservoir Dogs. They are big cast or expensive cast.

Promotion - That is a bit fixed. But he knows his audience are movie people some he will definitely hit magazines like Empire. He knows that his brand (his name) will also trigger the hype.

Position - He positions himself in what would have been the old Hollywood drama, retold in his style. He positions himself away from PIXAR, Marvel and people like that. He is consistent in his story telling in a very narrow and defined market segment.

So in summary. He knows his audience. How big it is. What they want to see. So as long as he stays in that ballpark he is safe as houses.

So how can you apply this?

* What is your product? What Genre, style, story does it tell. This will influence the size of the potential audience.

* How is it positioned in the market? Is there a big audience for it. Is it a broad comedy or a super fringe crime drama. Being realistic here is important. I have a western I am writing. Going to have a small audience.

* Price. This is dependent on the other two. If we look at my western. It is depressing as hell. So not a date night film. So the audience will be small. The product being a western also has a smaller audience. So I have to write it with cheap costs in mind if I want to see it made.

* Promotion. Where would we find the audience for a depressing western. I don’t know. Perhaps a streaming service. How I do I make it remarkable (in the true sense), how do I make it so someone will spend the time to make a remark about the story? This will be my promotion.

Side Note.

Promotion is also why studios purchase books that have sold well. They know exactly who the audience is and how to reach them. The publisher already has all the demographic data. It makes it as easy as following a recipe. If you have built in promotion 25% of the work is done.

I hope this wasn’t too boring - Craig

Phil Bridge

Craig D Griffiths in awe of your knowledge and wisdom! Great topic, and one we can all learn so much from!

Martin Reese

Great advice Craig D Griffiths. I'd watch a depressing western. I watched SEARCHERS. I did not find it uplifting. Nor was UNFORGIVEN. Bring it on.

Craig D Griffiths

Dan Maxx he is ubiquitous. He is obvious in his style and this makes good for this example. I used him here because he style is pronounced and very much unique to him.

Plus we are the same high, weight (varies) and both have relationships with woman that are better looking than we are.

Craig D Griffiths

Hi Juan, when you are in the sales part, product/promoting, the position and price has put you in the correct room (hopefully).

Your knowledge and skill of the product/promoting will land you the sale. Which is a great point.

If you have thought of the four P no question can surprise you.

These things all intertwine. They are in balance this is when perfect things seem to be magical.

Craig D Griffiths

Thanks everyone. Your comments an engagement has been great.

Craig D Griffiths

True. I was using him as a product example

But I think he as easier example to give than Lars Von Trier who is also distinctive, would send people researching, or even Ridley Scott with his obsession with having shit in the air all the time. I think QT is an easy to understand metaphor.

I am not saying we should all copy him. We have one, we don’t need a second. But he also proves if you are yourself you can be successful.

Goran Zivanovic

Quentin Tarantino, whatever you think of him or his films, also uses controversy to his movie credits and fame, not just his obvious talent. For example, his strong usage of the N-word in his movies can be triggering for many audiences... Then we have Hollywood and the hype of "blockbusters". Hollywood is in the business or making money, not films. Merchandise my friends. They often spend half their budget on advertising so they can recoup as much as possible in the first week of release.

Vincent Turner

I don't agree with Dan MaxXx too often but the first statement means a lot... You need to

look into the Craig D Griffiths that make it. Like I said before you are smart.

Ginger Gilley

Craig, I have all of these things: Situational Comedy, 163 million viewer base - tapping into 1/8 of that viewer base is 21.6 million viewers, low cost multi-cam sitcom, marketability is easy and also cost effective. I went a step further and researched/ charted the common aspects that made the classics successful but more importantly memorable. The common thread from those past successes has also been incorporated into the show. Now what? The feedback I've received thus far is that no one wants to hear the business behind the show, they only want to hear the emotion. Being a business person by trade, it's frustrating because I want to lead with the return on investment. Any guidance you can provide is very much appreciated.

William Parker

Thank you for your insights. I write action adventure / science fiction, but I am not currently in the industry. I have 18 published, successful novels. Where do I get info on my market? I see my audience as anyone who loved Star Wars. That was pretty huge. On the other hand, science fiction has to cost a lot more to produce than a sitcom. Where do I start?

William Parker

Thanks for the advice.

Craig D Griffiths

Hi Ginger, yep they are correct. When I buy a new guitar I don’t care about the business, I only care how it feels in my hands.

All the work you have done informs you that you have a saleable product and an identifiable audience. So now you need to sell them. You have removed any shop stopping objects with your research. Now wow them with emotion.

Think of the reverse. You have all the emotion, but a story that no one wants.

Craig D Griffiths

William if you have a publisher, get them to reach out. You have a built in audience which is a huge benefit.

ScFi can be hard (I have no experience in that genre), everything has to be made.

Sandeep Gupta

Craig D Griffiths “When I buy a new guitar I don’t care about the business, I only care how it feels in my hands” deserves it's own post. Thanks!

Craig D Griffiths

Hi Juan, if you can set things in near to modern times costs drop. Yes in westerns you may need to make some buildings and costumes. But deserts, horses, hats and guns already exist.

Depending on the SciFi you may have to make everything. Spaceship interiors, guns, robots, cities, clothes etc. Even if they are CGI someone has to draw them. There will be meetings and opinions which all cost money.

Looper was a cheapish SciFi and they still need to have stuff stuck to cars and flying motorcycles.

The further you get away from today the more costs increase. Just an observation.

Craig D Griffiths

Mortal Engine 100 Million and that was a CGI feast, not a big list of A-List actors. All films are expensive. Period pieces, if it be war, western or SciFi are expensive. The more you can’t use existing things.

Craig D Griffiths

Juan, exactly. That is part of Price part of the marketing process. I can write any genre as a low budget film. That is my jam.

But does that make it a traditional style for that genre? I would say not really.

If I write a pirate film that didn’t have a boat, people would right to question it. Is it a pirate film or a film with a pirate in it?

Interesting discussion.

Here’s some hints on keeping budget down.

Craig D Griffiths

Segovia was a god.

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