Anything Goes : how to share my story to Netflix or some more companies? by Hamed Patience

Hamed Patience

how to share my story to Netflix or some more companies?

Hello, I am new here and I am a common story writer I have creative storytelling, not more, is there someone to help me make it movies or not? I have already a story by the name of " The Sky Virus " starting from the USA Bagram camp in Afghanistan and going to the USA its new story and it is best for all of the cinema business, right now I working on it picture but I am not pro for it to make as a video and screenwriting just trying to show you my power on the picture about this story and I am trying to find some production in my local area to create it a small seen of this movie and picture to share with the creativity of this network, hope some can help me about this project. thanks and sorry for my poor English


Ellison Kk

you cant

Hamed Patience

I know, But why? no one is helping with some creativity. many movies that I saw it was not good but they make when someone has best than that but no one is supporting them I think so everything is the relationship more than the creative mind

Oleh Holyzov

I wouldn't recommend Netflix for a small creator in any case. I think unless you're very famous, you can get a much better deal with a smaller company.

In general, if you want to be confrontational, you can just find a list of film production companies and either email them directly by checking out the contact info on their website, or go above and beyond and track down specific people from those companies on social media (or just find their contacts, emails, etc.). Again, this usually only works with smaller companies and people that do not get a lot of submissions from all around.

Now, how effective this is and how many of them will respond at all is up to debate, but you have nothing to lose if you give it a try...

Ishta Lamara

Find a manager/ agent .. If a company refuses unsolicited submission then please refrain from sending anything yourself (don't burn a bridge). Try the script services here.

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