Screenwriting : Reading Scripts by Alicia Reijo

Alicia Reijo

Reading Scripts

Hi! I'm getting back into writing after a winter pause but I really need to be reading, as well. I plan to start off with 2-3 scripts/week. Can anyone recommend a good resource for reading scripts? I've previously used iMdb's script website but I'm curious if there are others that are used or preferred within the Stage 32 community. Thank you!

Alicia Reijo

Thank you so much, guys! XO

Emily J

For tv pilots, episodes, and other materials:

Frankie Gaddo

I used to use Drew's script-o-rama a lot but nowadays I tend to just google search, if there's a specific script I'm looking for.

Dan MaxXx

I would read/research every spec script nominated on The Annual Black List/Tracking Board/Blood List... Majority of these writers are first-timers/rookies - our peers and future allies.

Emily J

Oh yes,Dan MaxXx is right, def check out Scott Meyers blog on medium which often includes links to produced script pdfs and check out boards where you can find scripts featured on these lists.

Lisa Lee

I use the they have a ton of movie and tv scripts

Kiril Maksimoski

If no one mentioned, simplyscripts is good source for unproduced stuff as well, If you would like a solid database on produced scripts (mainly US) but also some early drafts, try Script Savant

Ewan Dunbar is a good site for this. It lets you download screenplays but it also has clips from movies with the screenplay rolling alongside it, so you can see how the writing is translated into the final movie.

Emily J

Stage 32's writers' room also does a weekly script read and meet up, sometimes it's produced scripts and the other times it's scripts from members. It's called The Coverage Report and def worth checking out

James Welday, as mentioned above, is my go-to resource. Enjoy!

Katie Murphy

I think bbc writers room has an archive but unsure if that website is accessible in the US?

James Welday

Katie, the link works for me here in the States, thanks!

Dan Guardino

Some should remove. It makes it hard to read other messages every time it pops up.

B A Mason

I might suggest reading amateur Screenwriters' works as well.

It really helps refine your screenwriting abilities when you analyze others' scripts; seeing how smoothly it reads, how well it keeps you captivated, how well you visualize what it'll look like on screen, etc.

Produced scripts with tonnes of revisions and rewrites only show you what's good rather than letting you think about what's bad.

Doug Nelson

Alicia - I'm sure by now that you've found all sorts of sources for scripts to read/study but let me warn you that nearly all of them are production scripts. True 'spec' scripts hardly ever show up on these public 'sources'.

Katie Murphy

That's a good point re production scripts - Philip Shelley runs the Channel 4 Screenwriting Course and has started a script library of some past students/submissions he's enjoyed the most, so I believe these aren't production scripts :

Alicia Reijo

You guys are amazing! I'm excited to try these out. I'm going to get started today! Thanks so much!

Emily J

Alicia Reijo one more resource for you! If you're a member of the Writers' Room, there's a Writers' Toolkit folder in there with a script library that you can scour as well! We had Matt Ember do the executive hour this week, he co-wrote FAILURE TO LAUNCH and gave us the original spec that sold, which you can now find in that folder.

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