Screenwriting : Intel from a major buyer by Ilan Breil

Ilan Breil

Intel from a major buyer

I am now working for Stage 32 but was a former Hollywood Literary Manager with a big firm and I still stay in touch with execs. I asked her what they are looking for at their platform (keep in mind it is one of the biggest major buyers and platforms in TV) and here's what she said when I asked her what they want:

"Returning drama series that has a strong central character with narrative drive and strong voice and dialogue. Any genre but needs to feel specific in its tone."

I will reserve judgment and comment on what I think about this but wanted to share the intel and start a chat about it.

Richard Buzzell

Did you ask them if they could be any more vague and ambiguous?

Billy Kwack

Hello Ilan, I would like to talk to you more about this

Mugs Cahill

I’d be interested in more about this, as well. Thanks for posting.

Ilan Breil

Fire away good people. What would you like to know?

Dan MaxXx

Ilan, how does that info help beginning writers/0 tv experience? Is this Exec accepting submissions?

Billy Kwack

Ilan, are you looking for something now or for the future? I would like to send you my best screenplay so you can see my style

Craig D Griffiths

Hi Ilan, not to pile on. But is there any more specific detail. Because a story without these things is a pile of crap. These people told you they want good stories. That is self evident. No one wants to buy bad stories.

What I am taking away is “Genre isn’t important. Just be great.”

Ilan Breil

Danmaxx. Most of these big execs don’t accept stuff that comes from new voices unless it’s through a producer they have worked with or an agent manager they know. She’s busy overseeing 60 projects and more lower levels execs do that for her.

Dan MaxXx

Ilan Breil thank you.

Side note: do you think Netflix will fold by summer? Intel says company morale is rock bottom.

Craig D Griffiths

Dan MaxXx there is a large amount of grumbling about Netflix. I don’t think they can ever fold in the traditional sense. They don’t make things that have a short term value, such as soft drink or clothing. Their library has a long term value.

They may be forced to release products back to owners if they cannot afford ongoing licensing costs. Their streaming infrastructure wouldn’t be that expensive to maintain. This may drive them into making more “home grown” content.

They could be sold to a large chinese company wanting to get into streaming or other such economic strategy. In the same way Sony purchased Columbia.

Ilan, did you get any more detail other than that obvious statement. It sounds insightful, but isn’t really actionable.

Richard Buzzell

Time to start a pool - who is going to end up buying Netflix? My money is on Amazon, but there's lots of other contenders. The all-time high share price for Netflix is 700$. The 52 week average is over $500. It's currently at $200. If the stock starts consistently trading under $200 watch for takeover discussions to begin.

Eoin O'Sullivan

Netflix is the largest AWS user - at about $19M per month. That's just for cloud services.

Netflix operating expenses for the twelve months ending March 31, 2022 were $24.196B

Craig D Griffiths

So if Amazon did purchase Netflix that could internalise the running costs and reduce the AWS fees. Plus they would be buying just the library as they already have internal staff. Eoin could be on the money.

Netflix was one of the first. These companies tend to get purchased eventually by more profitable second generation companies. Anyone remember AOL, MySpace and Netscape.

Ilan Breil

I could be wrong as Bezos does will things but he doesn't need Netflix. He would sooner make a massive deal to acquire distribution rights to the NFL on Sundays or buy Sony Library. Or Sony buys Netflix to have their tech platform for THEIR gaming and movies and series. Amazon has no reason to buy Netflix. they have no real assets other than subscription eyeballs and amazon would rather build their brand up. He wants quality not quanitity. Or Netflix does the buying of a Lionsgate or Sony. Netflix would sell to valuable to them and the owners and they have too much to prove and will sooner figure out how to keep and gain more eyeballs.

Craig D Griffiths

Ilan, their income base is subscription. The asset is the mountain of Netflix Original content. Made in multiple languages in multiple countries.

That is the asset. If they wanted to keep two streams. Is maintain the Netflix brand

Ilan Breil

don't see it happening but I also thought CODA was a B movie for Lifetime. EVERYONE MUST GO SEE EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL THE TIME. Best movie I've seen in the original department as a script since Pulp Fiction. TOP 25 all time for me.

Craig D Griffiths

I heard it does a multi-verse concept really well.

Carina S. Burns

Ilan Breil, Thank you for sharing what execs are looking for; however I would like for you to clarify here: “to feel specific in its tone."

Frankie Gaddo

It seems like the multiverse idea is becoming a genre of its own.

I thought the same about Coda that it felt like a TV movie. Surprised it won best picture/screenplay. But I will say it felt original, genuine, and had some strong heartfelt moments.

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