Introduce Yourself : A Medieval sitcom? Yes! Here is what the Bafta Rocliffe Competition said about Maude and Arthur. By Neil Harris by Neil Harris

Neil Harris

A Medieval sitcom? Yes! Here is what the Bafta Rocliffe Competition said about Maude and Arthur. By Neil Harris

The extract sets up an intriguing combination of comedy and

the period genre; it mixes contemporary dialogue with

mediaeval sayings to good effect and tackles head-on the

question of social conventions in those rigid times (through the

preparation of Maude for marriage). This could lend itself to an

interesting satire of the conventions that remain in our current



The treatment does a good job of showcasing the writer’s wit

and the show’s comedic tone. It is very clear what they’re going

for, thanks to compelling references and a thought-out reflection

on why this show would be relevant to an audience (and what

kind of audience). Overall, the treatment is a passionate defence of

the series which makes us want to believe in it ...

Joanna Karselis

Sounds interesting, Neil! Reminds me of Plebs or Norsemen. Good results from Rocliffe is a big achievement, congratulations! What are your plans for the show going forwards?

David P Perlmutter

Hey Neil Harris, that’s a great achievement. Congratulations. My name is David and I’m part of the LOUNGE CREW team.

Olivia Lavoie

I would watch that for sure. Interesting concept!

Michele Evans

This looks fabulous! If you need original music, DM me. We can discuss what you're looking for and see if it's a good fit. :)

Neil Harris

Thanks folks for your support and comments! I have done a staged reading of episode 1 which went well, but a trusted friend said it was two episodes, and they were right!! I have music ready to go which is excellent, but thanks for your offers. I will rewrite and then go about sending to producers in the UK and beyond. The aim is to normalise all

relationships by being funny!!

Maurice Vaughan

It's nice to meet you, Olivia Lavoie. A Medieval sitcom sounds like it'd be hilarious!

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