Animation : Are you watching Cyberpunk: Edge Runners on Netflix? by Kevin Jackson

Kevin Jackson

Are you watching Cyberpunk: Edge Runners on Netflix?

I have been watching this animation on Netflix and really enjoying it. Very dynamic, very colorful, very edgy. What are your thoughts?

Michael Cole

Trigger at its best.

Oskar Arnarson

Aye, phenomenal work. It's a world that feels very nice to escape to.

Terrence Sellers

Haven't watched it yet, but I was already interested in playing CP2077 so I'm sure I''ll check it out at some point.

Christian Nommay

The animation is outstanding, but the character and the story moved me in a way I wasn't expecting at all. With just a few episodes (10), the show made me root for the characters and took me on an emotional roller coaster ride.

Daniel Napoli

Yeah I really dig the color palette as well, and how they use it to show the tech and powers that the characters use.

Sydney S

I love the vibes of these colors together. Thank you for sharing!

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