Introduce Yourself : what am I working on ? by Lex Stiles Macaluso

Lex Stiles Macaluso

what am I working on ?

Hey everyone ... I'm the absent member of this place lol

In the past 12 months I'vebeen having this idea floating in my creative brain ... but my logical brain keeps shouting "it's shit, not good enough, why even try?" you know ... so I'm gonna tell you ...

I'm a massive Supernatural fan and I almost memorised the scripts for how many time I've read them and watched them. But there is one character that I loved and I would have loved to see their story, Eileen Leahy, the super badass deaf hunter. I'm writing HER hunting adventures before she met the boys.

Would anyone watch that? I don't know ...

Blackmoore Arfus

There are no bad ideas, I believe if you write and create what you want to see, then the quality and experience will be greater than trying to follow trends. I say go for it the worst that can happen is you become a better story teller.

Emily J

Lex that is an awesome idea! First, have you checked out fanfiction sites? I would write a prose version of this story and posting there, simply because a lot of writers have found those sites a great way to build a fanbase (Mortal Instruments started off as fanfiction of Harry Potter that then became it's own original thing and you could totally follow that path with this), and I definitely think there's an audience for this.

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Lex Stiles Macaluso. Great to see you again. That sounds like Imposter Syndrome. We all deal with it. Check out this blog about overcoming Imposter Syndrome: "How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome as a Creative"

I would watch that show. A deaf monster hunter. Eileen hunts monsters, right? How far along are you on the script?

Lex Stiles Macaluso

Thank you for the words of encouragement and the article they both help.

Yes Eileen parents were killed by a monster that later on in her 30s she finally slays with the help of the Winchesters, when she is 16 her adopted mother (which is the hunter who found her in her crib made deaf by the aforementioned monster) dies of cancer and she is alone after that. It's a least 15 years of hunting material to explore plus the possible flashbacks from birth to 16.

Irhodia David

Can't wait to see ur creation lex

Eyo Obot

Sure, Lex! That is a good story idea

One thing with "story" is that as you work on it it gives birth to more ideas that will add depth to your original idea

I wish you all the best Lex In your creative writing and journey

Richard "RB" Botto

Good to see you stepping out into the light, Lex. Hopeful you'll contribute more! Great to have you in the community.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Lex Stiles Macaluso.

Sounds cool. I've seen "Supernatural," but I lost my place. I don't think I saw the episode with Eileen in it. What's your plan for the script? Are you going to use it as a writing sample? Or fanfiction like Emily J mentioned?

Lex Stiles Macaluso

Maurice Vaughan I think I'm gonna jump directly into script format. I've done the whole from book to script thing and oh boy its exhausting lol

And go watch S11E11 ... I'd actually like to (maybe buy the rights) use the teaser scene as the opening of my show.

What an honor Mr Botto!!! Thanks for the nice words!!

Navid Lancaster

Welcome back to Stage32. Just in case you haven't yet feel free to join the following lounges.



All the best to you

Lex Stiles Macaluso

maybe I can ask you guys this, given that this would be a Supernatural spin-off ... how does it work with the rights?

Shellie Schmals

Lex Stiles Macaluso - there is a huge fandom for that show, I think you would definitely have an audience!

Lex Stiles Macaluso

James would you PLEASE stop smamming!!!!

Maurice Vaughan

Stage 32 deleted James' account, Lex.

Sam Mannetti

Hi Lex, the rights to Supernatural, any spinoffs, and the characters are likely held by the CW/Warner Brothers and the creators of the show. You would need to buy the rights (or their permission) to sell a project based on a character from the show. Might be best as the others suggested to use this as a writing sample or fanfiction.

Matthew Parvin

Sure, Lex! I'd watch.

Lex Stiles Macaluso

Hey guys. I've got a question for the staff team here... I just received an email to apply to send in our tv script to the Warner Bros... My question is, if I send in a TV pilot containing characters that they already have the rights to... What happens? If hey like it would they just keep it and use it without involving me at all?

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