Introduce Yourself : Hello friends, Tim Sabatino Director Producer Photographer by Tim Sabatino

Tim Sabatino

Hello friends, Tim Sabatino Director Producer Photographer

Hello, I Tim Sabatino, I just moved to Atlanta from Los Angeles. I am a director, producer and photographer for nearly 30 years. I bought a movie ranch and opened a new studio in North metro Atlanta. I also have a commercial production company with a business partner in Alpharetta called Fast Flow Productions. I am working on building my ethical and drug free crew in Atlanta. Feel free to reach out to me and lets connect! Cheers -Tim

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Billy Kwack

Hi Tim, cool video

Maurice Vaughan

Great to meet you, Tim Sabatino. Congratulations on opening a new studio!

Sam Mannetti

Welcome Tim! Great to have you in the community. I am the Director of Development Services at Stage 32. If I can ever recommend any of our services to help get your projects in front of the right executives, please email me directly at Always happy to help!

L. Tom Deaver

Hello Tim, you now live in my old stomping ground.

Marlen Bell

It’s nice to meet you

Olivia Drake

Hi Tim! Found your website, you’ve got a lot of dope credits! Do you like focusing on music videos, commercials, and photography? What else do you like to create?

Sam Sokolow

Great to meet you here in the community, Tim. Love Atlanta. I’m the Director of Education here at Stage 32. If I can ever be of any help on your Stage 32 education journey or recommend any of our education for you please email me directly at

Sydney S

Welcome to the community :)

GiGi Raines

Oh wow! I have a lot of friends working in Atlanta. Would love to mow more about your company and what you are working on! Please feel free to email me at

Tim Sabatino

Wow thanks for the warm welcome! Nice to meet you all!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Tim. I like your company's name. Fast Flow Productions. I think about Action movies, fast-paced commercials, and exciting projects when I read the name.

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