So today I had an experience that will go down as the best thing to ever happen to me. I was talking to someone about how I work on films as a writer, director etc. They asked me to name some of my films so they can check them out. When I named one of them they were like "OMG I'VE SEEN THAT ONLINE!" and they knew one of the actors so they were being legit!
I am in no way famous but I never in a million years expected this. I am a little indie creator who really just works on films with his friends. I don't have much of an online presence so nobody really knows me but all the people I work with do. It was just the coolest thing ever to be like holy shit am I famous now!? Nobody can ever take this moment away from me
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That's so fun Ryu! Hope you keep having experiences like that in the future.
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me too thanks!
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That's great, Ryu! Congratulations on the moment! Can I have your autograph? :D
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sure! autographs for everyone!
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Holly Sheidenberger thanks!
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What an amazing moment Ryu! More to come in the future I'm sure!
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Amazing! Happy for you!
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Jill Godley thanks!
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Sam Mannetti I hope so thanks!
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That’s awesome, Ryu!!
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Ryu Reeves nice one, Ryu. People only know me from wanted posters! (Wink)
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Ryu, thanks so doggone much for sharing this! Here's wishing you more of the VERY BEST!
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That's incredible, Ryu Reeves, congratulations
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Congratulations!! That’s what this is all about!
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So cool!!! Happy for you!!
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Thank you Shellie!
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NOBODY can or will take this moment away from you! Get used to moments like this! Congratulations! This validates my thinking that we don't need to have a vast following, tremendous online presence, or A listeners million-dollar budget. Gotta be you, and thrilled for you!