Screenwriting : The best thing that's ever happened to me by Ryu Reeves

Ryu Reeves

The best thing that's ever happened to me

So today I had an experience that will go down as the best thing to ever happen to me. I was talking to someone about how I work on films as a writer, director etc. They asked me to name some of my films so they can check them out. When I named one of them they were like "OMG I'VE SEEN THAT ONLINE!" and they knew one of the actors so they were being legit!

I am in no way famous but I never in a million years expected this. I am a little indie creator who really just works on films with his friends. I don't have much of an online presence so nobody really knows me but all the people I work with do. It was just the coolest thing ever to be like holy shit am I famous now!? Nobody can ever take this moment away from me

Molly Peck

That's so fun Ryu! Hope you keep having experiences like that in the future.

Ryu Reeves

me too thanks!

Maurice Vaughan

That's great, Ryu! Congratulations on the moment! Can I have your autograph? :D

Ryu Reeves

sure! autographs for everyone!

Ryu Reeves
Sam Mannetti

What an amazing moment Ryu! More to come in the future I'm sure!

Jill Godley

Amazing! Happy for you!

Ryu Reeves

Jill Godley thanks!

Ryu Reeves

Sam Mannetti I hope so thanks!

Sam Sokolow

That’s awesome, Ryu!!

Geoff Hall

Ryu Reeves nice one, Ryu. People only know me from wanted posters! (Wink)

Jim Boston

Ryu, thanks so doggone much for sharing this! Here's wishing you more of the VERY BEST!

Lisa Lee

That's incredible, Ryu Reeves, congratulations

Maria Restivo Glassner

Congratulations!! That’s what this is all about!

Shellie Schmals

So cool!!! Happy for you!!

Ryu Reeves

Thank you Shellie!

Denise Jackrel

NOBODY can or will take this moment away from you! Get used to moments like this! Congratulations! This validates my thinking that we don't need to have a vast following, tremendous online presence, or A listeners million-dollar budget. Gotta be you, and thrilled for you!

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