Other than Kindle, where else have you self published your books for free?
Hello writers, just needed to understand what are you using to distribute and promote your books. Platforms, sites or channels. feel free to link me through. I am an independent writer and filmmaker.
Besides KDP I use an aggregator, Draft2Digital, which covers almost every other venue from which to offer your books. [Apple, Smashwords, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, and platforms for library loans like Overdrive, etc]. They also offer print books (paperback only) which can get you on Ingram Spark, the major supplier for bookstores.Although I do not use it, D2D can format your ebook for you, including little chapter graphics. My fourth title is coming out March 7.
I also use my website (s) and have links to the books that are still available. There are several that are "out of print." Also, if I am working with someone and the book is applicable or of interest to the person, I will send them a PDF version. Currently I just use KDP. It's so easy and quick. Whether or not you sell a book, having your book in the Amazon library makes it show up when someone searches for it. Otherwise, it depends on how good you are at optimizing.
I have used advertising on Amazon, too, for a new book launch. You only pay when someone buys the book, not impressions. There are a bazillion books, but hey, if it doesn't end up costing you anything...and if it does, it means you sold some books.
My first three book I found a Canadian distributor that got my books into libraries and bookstores internationally. Bookstores are where books go to die, actually. The shelf life is an average 3 months, if that now, and then they are returned to the distributor -- every movement, to and from the bookstore and distributor, is charged to the publisher/author.
On my own website, and bookstore. www.davidegates.com and on Smashwords and Draft2Digital (which are now merged). Draft2Digital is very good and gets your book effortlessly into a lot of online stores and libraries.
Try reaching out to blogs and websites that host giveaways - there's a few on Facebook that share information and links about giveaways, one is actually just called Book Blog Giveaways (https://www.facebook.com/groups/210796142343549/) and I believe there may be others. With blogs it's worth checking what their reach is first, how many subscribers, and what sort of genre they follow.
Hi Souvik Chakraborty of course Amazon. I would suggest promoting your book/s for free on here, your own social media platforms and a blog or website. Personally, I’m on Instagram, Facebook, Linkedln and all are great to promote. For me twitter has been #1 and authors/readers are fully supportive. My blog is one of my best why to promote my books etc, with over 910k views. If you’re on twitter, let’s connect. Everyday on twitter, there’s a hashtag #ShamelessSelfPromo (add day) and it’s a great way to get the word out of your books. Hope that helps. Good luck, David!
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Hi Souvik, what a great question! Here's some additional information on publishing with Nook too >> https://www.stage32.com/blog/how-to-publish-your-paperback-with-kindle-a...
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Besides KDP I use an aggregator, Draft2Digital, which covers almost every other venue from which to offer your books. [Apple, Smashwords, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, and platforms for library loans like Overdrive, etc]. They also offer print books (paperback only) which can get you on Ingram Spark, the major supplier for bookstores.Although I do not use it, D2D can format your ebook for you, including little chapter graphics. My fourth title is coming out March 7.
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I also use my website (s) and have links to the books that are still available. There are several that are "out of print." Also, if I am working with someone and the book is applicable or of interest to the person, I will send them a PDF version. Currently I just use KDP. It's so easy and quick. Whether or not you sell a book, having your book in the Amazon library makes it show up when someone searches for it. Otherwise, it depends on how good you are at optimizing.
I have used advertising on Amazon, too, for a new book launch. You only pay when someone buys the book, not impressions. There are a bazillion books, but hey, if it doesn't end up costing you anything...and if it does, it means you sold some books.
My first three book I found a Canadian distributor that got my books into libraries and bookstores internationally. Bookstores are where books go to die, actually. The shelf life is an average 3 months, if that now, and then they are returned to the distributor -- every movement, to and from the bookstore and distributor, is charged to the publisher/author.
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Sharing your work here on Stage 32 in any ways that you can is a great tool to always have in your toolkit.
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On my own website, and bookstore. www.davidegates.com and on Smashwords and Draft2Digital (which are now merged). Draft2Digital is very good and gets your book effortlessly into a lot of online stores and libraries.
3 people like this
Try reaching out to blogs and websites that host giveaways - there's a few on Facebook that share information and links about giveaways, one is actually just called Book Blog Giveaways (https://www.facebook.com/groups/210796142343549/) and I believe there may be others. With blogs it's worth checking what their reach is first, how many subscribers, and what sort of genre they follow.
3 people like this
Hi Souvik Chakraborty of course Amazon. I would suggest promoting your book/s for free on here, your own social media platforms and a blog or website. Personally, I’m on Instagram, Facebook, Linkedln and all are great to promote. For me twitter has been #1 and authors/readers are fully supportive. My blog is one of my best why to promote my books etc, with over 910k views. If you’re on twitter, let’s connect. Everyday on twitter, there’s a hashtag #ShamelessSelfPromo (add day) and it’s a great way to get the word out of your books. Hope that helps. Good luck, David!