Anything Goes : Working on a poster design online course, and would appreciate some input by Adam Blakemore

Adam Blakemore

Working on a poster design online course, and would appreciate some input

I'm a professional poster designer, and I'm currently putting together an online course aimed at guiding people through the process of creating their own movie poster. The target audience for this is either people who don't have the budget to hire their own designer, designers new to the process, or just interested parties who want to get a better understanding of how the process works. With that in mind, I'm just curious if there's any particular topics or specific things you might like to see covered?

Sam Sokolow

Hey Adam - this is a very cool idea… what movie posters have you designed previously?

Maurice Vaughan

I think that's a great idea, Adam. How about covering spacing on the poster and picture/text placement?

Adam Blakemore

Yeah great suggestions Maurice Vaughan , definitely digging down a bit into layout was something I was thinking of!

Adam Blakemore

Thanks Sam Sokolow - it's quite a variety, a lot of indies and some freelance work for Paramount+ and the BBC. My claim to fame is having one of my posters on Neill Blomkamp's studio wall haha!

Maurice Vaughan

Cool, Adam Blakemore. I'll let you know if I think of any more topic suggestions. Looking forward to the course.

Adam Blakemore

Thanks Maurice Vaughan, I appreciate that!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Adam Blakemore.

Brandy Spohn

What a great idea!

Adam Blakemore

Thanks Brandy Spohn !

Benjamin Elliott

What a wonderful idea, Adam Blakemore! Where can I find examples of your work?

Adam Blakemore

Thanks Benjamin Elliott ! You can check out some of my work here:

Maurice Vaughan

Incredible posters and pitch deck covers, Adam Blakemore. How's the course going?

Adam Blakemore

Thanks Maurice Vaughan ! It's going good but gradual in between projects - just on the scripting stage at the moment. Hoping to film some bits in the next few months!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Adam Blakemore. Cool. Let us know when your course is ready. Best to you on the course and your projects.

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