Introduce Yourself : Hello all! by Behnjamin Larin

Hello all!

Hello all! My name is Behnjamin. I wanted to introduce myself. I really don't have any experience in script writing at all. I just have some ideas. I am currently working on script, I have the idea and general plot figured out, I have the characters all worked out, I just have no idea, how to begin the writing process. Sure I can start writing it like a book. But I want to write it out like a script. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

Richard "RB" Botto

Welcome aboard, my friend. You're in the right place. We have over 120,000 screenwriters here and a mil overall. I'd highly suggest checking out the blog, which has over 2500 entries and a wealth of information and hanging out in the Screenwriting Lounge. Great to have you in the community.

Matthew Parvin

Welcome Behnjamin! Nice to meet you. Glad you're here.

Debbie Elicksen

Behnjamin Larin Welcome to our creative family. There are so many resources here -- webinars, groups, humans... I've been writing professionally for decades and am learning screenwriting myself. It's a fun journey and I am amazed at how many here have provided selfless advice and are willing to give others a cheering hand.

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community and screenwriting, Behnjamin Larin. Here's a feature script outline template that can help you outline your script and start the writing process:

Nick Waters

Welcome to Stage 32 Behnjamin Larin. I would recommend taking some time to explore the education offerings on Stage 32:

There are a ton of courses for writers to hone their skills that are very beneficial.

Sydney Summers

Welcome to the community :-)

Niki H

Hi Behnjamin, welcome! You’re in the right place! There’s great suggestions in the comments. Be sure to start reading scripts. Lots of them. Also get your hands in some screenwriting software. You need to learn how to format properly no matter what , but the right software will make it easier. There are some with free trials or free versions. We have tons of education on screenwriting as others have mentioned. I also love the webinars that break down scripts, here’s an example for you:

Robert Cole

Behnjamin, I just finished my first comedy script...and my background is far from script only strength is my love and appreciation for comedy...I did an extensive amount of research on the art and skill of writing a script...and kind of taught myself how to write a script based on all of the valuable resources on the school made me a better writer...after nine long months....I finished it and entered it into several far, I've won 1st place in one and a winner in two others....and I have been contacted by a major studio for a pitch meeting...bottom line...follow the yellow brick road...find a professional script editor to review it...then just put it out into the universe...nothing to it but to do it! Good luck! May the force be with you!

Behnjamin Larin

This is awesome! Thank you everyone for the support!!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Behnjamin Larin.

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