Introduce Yourself : Screenwriter by Suzanne Birrell

Suzanne Birrell


Hello. I'm Suzanne. I live in rural New Mexico. I am a screenwriter and focus on low-budget, high-concept stories that feature strong roles for women and men without special effects. I've won some awards. I write and re-write. Love the storytelling possibilities of film.

I have a strong background in directing on stage and would like to move into directing more films. I was actually first trained in film and stumbled into stage.

Also am SAG/AFTRA. I'm a tough sell there. Am taller than most my age, ethnically diverse with Native American hair that just isn't going grey at an age where casting directors want me to be grey. (This is my natural hair color damn-it!)

I'm from small-town America and currently teach middle school (where hormones rage) and play bass in a two-step country band.

Would like to team up with a producer.

Thanks for reading!

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Suzanne Birrell. I'm from small-town America too. :) What subject do you teach?

David C. Velasco

Glad to hear from you. Grew up in NM myself. :)

Suzanne Birrell

Hola Maurice, I teach middle school band. Wow, you have a lot of credits. I am recently working with someone regarding a script and she directed me to give more details about a small community. She being a city girl, had no idea what some of the references I made were about.

David Abrookin

Hi Suzanne Birrell! Low-budget but high-concept can often be a great sell. If you're a Writers' Room member (or want to sign up), we often have OWAs looking for low-budget projects that you could submit to.

John Michael German


Congratulations to the wondrously guiding roads that your steps paved: the creativity that your thoughts present, awards achieved, various sectors your roads embarked to be a part of, and more.

My heartfelt apologies that your path was/is obstructed because your color of hair has not grayed. Those directors can present your authentic background to gift out a more authentically deepened character - visually and through the experience of your steps.

Thankful to your roads.

God Bless,

John German

Ashley Renee Smith

Welcome to the Stage 32 community, Suzanne Birrell! We're so excited to have you here!

You should definitely check out the Screenwriting Lounge where you can join discussions with other writers, pose questions that you may have, update the community about your projects, and share news/announcements that interest you. It's a great way to connect with other creators from all around the world!

You can find the lounge through the toolbar at the top of your browser window. Simply click on "Lounge", which will direct you to a new page listing all of the current lounges available to you. Then select "Screenwriting". I hope to see you over there!

Maurice Vaughan

Middle school band. That's cool, Suzanne Birrell. I wasn't in band, but I liked music class in elementary school. I still remember some of the songs. :)

Raquel Pimentel

Hi Suzanne, welcome among us. I was not aware of the barriers related to the effects of ethnic diversification. We are always learning. Greetings and renewed best wishes.

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