Introduce Yourself : This is where I’m at... by Nighter Fire Heart

Nighter Fire Heart

This is where I’m at...

My name is Nighter Fire Heart.

I currently have a low income job at the moment, I am not paying for my own rent so I’m not struggling. The money I make is plenty for me right now.

As a kid I was always creative and into many things.





In fact I am still into those things to be honest. To add to that list. I always told stories.

I told stories to my brothers when I was younger they always ask me to tell them stories and loved them! I told my younger sister a story about a spider named Bubble Gum and many other things.

But I never realized my passion would be to be a writer. Now I first started writing years ago when I was around nine, my mother bought me a golden journal and I wrote my stories down. After that I kept writing and proof reading fixing plot holes and researching. Writing was officially my passion. Then I wrote my first actual book. Two thousand to three thousand words a chapter and thirteen chapters. Then I made that book in movie form. It wasn’t too hard yet it took some time. After that I started writing a show series but soon realized the direction I was going in required more movies. Then my brother told me about Crypt T.V. That’s what got me into shorts.

I begin researching all the short channels/ websites I could find and then began writing my short. Now I have not yet published anything I’m just starting to go public so I really have no way of saying I’m a good writer but I believe after you read my script you will find that I am more then talented. My goal is to get exposure from these shorts, get my name out there so I can finally make my book, movie, and show series public. Although my plots are always creative and intricate I like to specialize more in creative complex characters and writing their emotional and physical trials throughout the stories.

My main goals are to write and direct a show series called The Phoenix Tactic. But I want to find a good way to get started and I think this is perfect. I’ve always had random good creative ideas but they never matched my storylines. And because I only have to make thirty minute scripts I think it will be a perfect way to get my stuff up and running.

Growing up was not easy a lot of things happened at home. And I only began to deal with it properly recently. And one of the many ways I do that is through writing. I very much like writing how characters deal with emotion. Or how they deal with their lives. In this particular short the message is to communicate. Which is something that is essential. It applies to just about anything in life. And if I would have done it sooner things could have been better for me. And that’s what “Cloud” the M.C. In this short is gong to figure out.

Because I am a Christian I feel my beliefs are always going to be backed up. My messages will be stuff that are extremely impressive and entertaining while also teaching people how to handle life. Say your making a show and the message is: “Don’t take the easy way out.”

If someone told me to make a short about that I have so many ideas on how that could be amazing! I get inspired easily and just creating titles, or messages makes me want to write a whole short. I guarantee I am a dedicated and PASSIONATE writer.

Like I said, publicly sure, I don’t have any official accomplishments. But I am just starting to go public and one thing for sure I am a dedicated writer. I will pay my hard earned money to submit my scripts even if rejected I’m never going to stop trying until I accomplish my goals. I’ve written an eighteen thousand word movie, fifteen episodes with seven thousand five hundred words each and an over twenty six thousand word book. And many of those had to be written over and over again and I didn’t stop until it was how I wanted it.

If you choose to produce my short I promise you will not regret it and my messages are also very relevant to modern day situations. As I Christian I hope to change many lives with my work.

God bless.

(My email is

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Nighter Fire Heart. A spider named Bubble Gum. Love the name! :D That could be a character in one of your movies.

I suggest checking out the Screenwriting Lounge ( It has a lot of great resources and advice.

I also suggest checking out the Screenwriting Blogs (

Stage 32 has a lot of writing webinars. Some of them are free:

Hope these things help!

Sam Mannetti

Welcome to Stage 32 Nighter! Have you tried out the Writers Room yet? Fantastic resource as you begin your screenwriting journey. Email my team at and we can provide you with a free month. Cheers!

Nighter Fire Heart

Thanks guys and I haven’t tried any of those yet! Thanks I think this will be helpful!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Nighter Fire Heart.

Sydney S

Welcome to the community :-)

Michael David

I really like this post. Really, really like it.

Nighter Fire Heart

Aw thanks guys! My goal is to get my show series out if you guys have any suggestions as to how I can accomplish that I’m all ears!

Nighter Fire Heart

Appreciate it Micheal David, what do you like about it? (:

Michael David

Nighter Fire Heart It's an outpouring of your creative spirit and your essence and passion as a human being. The world is richer because of your passion!

Nighter Fire Heart

Well thank you Micheal David, this was very encouraging. It seems like your a very poetic guy... keep it up god bless you for your kind words.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Nighter Fire Heart.

Have you made a show bible for your show? A show bible will help you organize things in your show (the storylines, characters, episodes, season arcs, etc.). A show bible will also help when you pitch your show to producers, production companies, streamers, and networks.

Nighter Fire Heart

What’s a show bible?

Maurice Vaughan

Nighter Fire Heart A show bible is like a detailed outline of your show (the show's logline, characters, storylines, the world of the show, the show's synopsis, the pilot synopsis, summaries of future seasons, etc.).

Nighter Fire Heart

My goal is to make my show series, what do you guys think is the best way of getting to that. I want to be directing to I have a clear vision. Do you guys know the best way to get to that? Is making short films really the best option? I’m a bit impatient tbh lol .

Nighter Fire Heart

David Micheal can you send me your email? I would like to send the script through that, it’s not working here

Maurice Vaughan

Since you want to direct your series, Nighter Fire Heart, producers, production companies, etc. are gonna want to see that you can direct, so starting with short films is a great idea. Those short films will showcase your directing ability.

Here's a blog about launching your career with a short film:

And here are some blogs about producing and filmmaking/directing:

Other topics in Introduce Yourself:

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