Introduce Yourself : Hello Fellow Writers! by Jennifer Ritch

Hello Fellow Writers!

I'm new to the community and excited to get involved in everything that this site has to offer. I've already lurked on the Pitch Practice Webinar and was incredibly impressed with the feedback and support of the moderators and fellow writers. Looking forward to making connections.

Ashley Renee Smith

Welcome to the Stage 32 community, Jennifer Ritch! We're so excited to have you here!

The best way to network here on Stage 32, is just to put yourself out there by posting, commenting, and connecting with people from all over the world. The most effective networking comes from building genuine relationships over time. A great way to start is by checking out the Screenwriting Lounge where you can join discussions with other writers, pose questions that you may have, provide advice or insights, and share news/announcements that interest you.

You can find the lounge through the toolbar at the top of your browser window. Simply click on "Lounge", which will direct you to a new page listing all of the current lounges available to you. Then select "Screenwriting". I hope to see you over there!

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Jennifer Ritch. There's like a double effect thing going on with your picture. :)

Steve Hayes

Hey Jennifer, welcome! What kind of genre's do you typically write?

Jennifer Ritch

Steve: I write comedies and romantic comedies. You?

Steve Hayes

I've never been able to draft comedy very well, romance either unless it applies to a particular scene. Awesome that you specialize in that genre. I prefer mostly thrillers, horrors, and some sci-fi.

Sydney S

Welcome to the community :-)

Niki H

Hi Jennifer, lovely to meet you! Welcome to the community. The pitch practices are awesome, aren't they? I too love to learn by lurking. There is so much to offer here. Check out the webinar section too:

Sam Mannetti

Welcome to the community Jennifer! I am the Director of Development Services at Stage 32. If my team and I can ever recommend any of our script services to help get your projects in front of the right executives, please email us directly at Always happy to help!

Bobby G

Welcome I'm also new glad I'm not the only one

David Abrookin

Welcome, Jennifer Ritch! Glad you got to watch the Pitch Practice Webinar and see a great example of our supportive community

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