Hey! I've been writing for over 8 years and I just started using Stage 32. I've written a whole bunch of scripts, most of them were what I call my "screenwriting education" but I have amased 6 features across a few genres that are in a really good place. I'm fine tuning one and have the machinations of a new script idea brewing right now! I try to write my scripts with a purpose, the characters and plot have a theme that means something but is also intended to be entertaining, never wanna be preachy and boring!
That's a little about me!
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Sounds like the films I love, entertaining throughout but a purpose/moral lesson behind it.
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Welcome, Ariel Mayer! I totally understand the idea that early scripts are part of a writer's education process. We have a Sci-Fi/Fantasy contest launching next month, if you have anything in those genres that's in a good place.
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Welcome to Stage 32!
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Hi Ariel, welcome! Happy to have you in the community. Writing is a great way to learn! Check out our webinars for additional ways if there is anything specific you'd like to dig into: https://www.stage32.com/webinars.
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Welcome to the community, Ariel Mayer. I remember my "screenwriting education" scripts (my first scripts). I tried to go back and rewrite some of them, but... shakes head. Haha! But those scripts helped me get to where I'm at now.
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Hi Ariel! Creating 6 features is an incredible feat! If you ever want producers or execs to review them we offer consultations. Happy to make recommendations. Feel free to write us at success@stage32.com cheers!
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Hi Ariel, nice, I like to write like that also
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Excited to have you in the community!
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Hello, Ariel and welcome,
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That's awesome
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Welcome Ariel! Besides pitching on State32 pitch invites, be sure to also get your profile and subscription set up on other sites that may have leads you want to submit your work to. Are you on IMDB yet? Any contests that have caught your eye?
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Hi Ariel! Nice to meet you! If you need anyone to look over your scripts let me know!
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Must've missed these notifications! David Abrookin I have a few sci-fi scripts!
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@J.AustinGentry I've submitted to a number of contests and even placed in a few!
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@oliviadrake I would love to share my scripts with you, that'd be great!