I understand there are still some open slots for my 8 week lab on "Writing The High Concept Feature". The first class is this Saturday. It will be an intensive, guided journey from log line to finished first draft. We'll discuss the basics of what a high concept movie is, why they're always in demand, the outlining process, the workflow, and most importantly, the execution. And by the end of July, you should have a finished script, ready for polishing (if you do the work!). We'll discuss the ins and outs of the process, the business, and whatever else comes to mind. It should be fun!
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Thanks for sharing Thunder! Going to be such a great lab. Feel free to email me at edu@stage32.com to learn more about Thunder's lab :)
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Do you address SELLING the script Thunder Levin ?
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Such a cool chance to work with a pro directly on your scripts!
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Fran, crafting the most marketable script possible is the biggest part of selling it. You have to do that first. The better and more marketable it is, the better the chances of getting it in front of the right people. But of course there could be an entire course on how to sell a script. In fact, I bet there are!!!