Introduce Yourself : How To Write And Direct Your Faith-Based Feature Film! by Sydney S

Sydney S

How To Write And Direct Your Faith-Based Feature Film!

Stage 32 is excited to welcome back Nathan for this upcoming webinar! Learn how you can write and direct a successful faith-based feature film from a faith-based writer/director who has worked with Universal, Sony, Lionsgate and more. Faith-based films have become major draws over the last ten years, thanks to such films as I CAN ONLY IMAGINE, JESUS REVOLUTION, and HEAVEN IS FOR REAL. PLUS! Nathan will provide you with exclusive handouts to help you make your faith-based film.

Nathan Scoggins

Hey everyone! Looking forward to engaging this Friday! See you soon!

Frances Pride

Good afternoon, this is the thing I have been waiting for, this is so good. Thank you!

Sydney S

Thank you everyone for attending!

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